call out to Integra owners...

Have a glass of cranberry juice.

what race is this? i have no recollection of such a race.

do you choose to only inherit things I say that you want too? I said I CANT do it this week…my girlfriend just had SURGERY…unless you want to come up to exit 11, no race is happening until a few weekends from now.

BRAKE BOOSTING! i miss it!

300hp GTi… just saying…

Ok, I know not this weekend but why not run me b4 you bring your car to the shop?

I don’t see why I have to wait to run your car? Just so you can make it faster? You made this thread calling out us Integra’s b4 you had theses upgrades. Why won’t you give me a shot at the way it sits now? You sound like one of thoes ricers that says “wait til next year n ill b34t y3W d00d”

I told you I’d run you b4 and AFTER you get the upgrades. How is this not fair?


when you race you gotta give it the juice

lol at you clowns

+1 decker juice is a necessity. gotta show us your power

bro he has blue headlights, what more do you need to know?

On a serious note, Brian needs to learn how to brake boost, it’s not that hard to learn and look how much of a difference it makes…Race 1 vs. red Civic Si and Race 2 vs. Civic Si(not brake boosting)…

1 foot gas 1 foot brake yea?

I didnt make a appointment for my car to go to the shop yet, I actually dont know when its going to get there since I ran into some things today I had to spend my money on instead of my car…

You can run me right now as my car sits, but from what everyones saying, your car is faster then mine so you are going to race me from the rolls I want too…and that means no 60…were looking at some dig runs and 30-45 pulls. Bring the white integra too.

drew the white teg ran low 14’s trapping low 100’s i think you got that one in the bag :lol

I trap low 100’s too.

when i say low 100’s i mean 100-102 lol

low teens maybe

haha you trap MID 11x’s

well compared to 200, 116 is low 100’s lol

I do know how. Honestly, If I did brake boost I thought you guys would of thought I was cheating or w\e you wanna call it? I’ve raced a bunch of people I ran into on the hwy n have brake boosted b4.

Oh jeez, the way you asked on the highway if we were brake boosting it sounded like you were angry because you didn’t know how. I only say that because when I was with Matt Ryan in his 502whp Hatch when we raced Justin GSR and yankeddddd he was complaining because he didn’t know how and Matt was BBing :rofl
BBing is DEF not cheating.