Calling out Walter! (walterdixon)



Sold all your alcohol??

what the hell dude… now THAT is weak.

We all know he never had any alcohol to begin with.

How and why do you sell alcohol?
Did you put an ad in The Star or something?

You find some kids who look 13 or so and offer to sell them 750ml of vodka for $100
You then go back to the LCBO and buy two bottles of vodka and repeat.

How do you think he paid for his SR?

LMAO!!! good one max

then i say u go 40 for 40

alright so the competition is on tonight.

just downed my first beer just now. mark is still working on the neck of his.

ill keep you guys posted.


mark just told me he’s f*cked…4 tall cans in.

i smell victory.


he’s puking!!

edit: false alarm…he fell on the floor face first and yelled “im too drunk!!” then ran to the bathroom.

i made a false assumption.


mark’s rolling around on the ground moaning.

i’m not evn close to drunk yet.


so mark went home about a half hour ago (no, he wasn’t driving)

we both went 7 beers in. mark was on the ground in agony. i was barely buzzed…


Walter was buzzing more than his doorbell.

7 each? what, did you start with only 14 in the fridge?

That is like a drift comp in a bank parking lot.

Ohh, zing. Do I hear another challenger?

Next week, Walter vs. Theo vs. Mark…

Hahahahahaahah that is soooo Funny,

you make me laugh, you all wish you were alcholics like me

i think benson wants in the competition too

this is like beerfest, but son style and no germans.

mark vs. walter vs theo vs. benson and his fat cat ?

I am going to begin training like it’s beerfest

Theo: “I live my life one drink at a time, for those 12 ounces or more, I’m free”

Mark: “Theo, I almost had you!”

Theo: “You never had me. You never had your liver”