Calling people with stretched ears.

uhm, short, cute, dark hair is the best i can do. she bad black ones that day.

the guy that cut off his dick is a homosexual, so he just needs dick in his ass. pauly unstopable y0!

I’m pretty sure I already said he’s gay. Big deal. He’s a cool dude.



^ Oh wow.

Sheila, I think


She games too. So much win.

yea, good lookin girl for sure :slight_smile:

MOTHER OF GOD… both are super hotttttt.

Games as in console or pc? if so, :bitelip yesssssss

would still ravage… but I would have to not look at the ears

Cosole. She’s a big halo player IIRC and most likely is into bops. I’ve never actually hung out with her, just been around both of them because of mutual friends at school. So, I only know what they tell me lol.

XBL ID plz?

facebook linky??!!! :slight_smile:

PS, tell her to get her sexy ass into iRacing on PC… I need a co-driver.

for organic stuff go to
also if your willing to pay look up relic stone works… is good for everything else… alot of mis information in this thread…
pauly unstoppable had his ears closed… his nostrils are much smaller… ( not sure about the dick cutting off but pretty sure it isnt true)

yoiur ears shouldnt stink… if so something is wrong… if they look like a cats ass… something is wrong…
tapers CAN work but its not advised once you get past 00… they stretch your lobes too fast and instead of the collagen getting micro tears which heal after a couple months it just breaks them…

go slow and be smart about it if your going to do it

Paul’s dick is cut off. Like I said I haven’t talked to him in a long time, so I didn’t know he closed his ears. They got a lot bigger than that picture, as did his nostrils. I fail to see any misinformation. Ask him if you want.

A lot bigger than the last picture. 1.5" in that.

As far as the penis being cut off, from what I can find I may be wrong. He definitely removed his frenulum, has at LEAST a partially split penis, and a sub-incision. On one of his blogs on his old facebook though, was him saying he had a split penis, and that it was in a jar on his mantle. He may have been making a joke, he may not have. I don’t know. He’s since made a new myspace and we aren’t friends on there anymore, so I can’t look at his shit.

i knew of the subincision and what not… maybe just the parts he cut off are in a jar… and mis information in the thread as how to stretch lobes is what i was referring too… i saw on BME a month or so ago that he closed them

My Iam account expired so I haven’t checked BME in a few months.

As for stretching, like you said. Just go slow. Being in a rush is just going to fuck your lobes up dudes.

my IAM ran out too… after shannon wasnt in charge of bme it went downhill fast

Yeah it really did. Rachel did nothing good for that community at all. It’s too bad really…

oh and also bc im not sure if it was mentioned…
organics should get wet so when showering be sure to take them out!
also not recomended for fresh stretches because of how pourous it is