Calling people with stretched ears.

If you read his blog that someone posted on here, you’ll see his ears didn’t close up, he took the gauges out and had to cut part of his ear off. He even has pics of the surgery on there.



Last thing I expected to see in this thread.

i never said they closed on there own… said he got them closed

It’s a pretty simple procedure. They just cut out the excess lobe and then stitch the two ends together so it heals and looks like a normal lobe.

I get the ears thing(ok, i kinda get it), but the rest of the stuff? It would make it kinda hard to just go about your daily activities. I dont mean people gawking at you, I’m talking about the entire nasal cavity being exposed like that and stuff. All the extra holes in the face? It’d kinda be a chore to keep up with all that.

Less talk

More CP to save the thread.

Capcrew do work.

Same girl.

Edit-Her tits are SO much bigger than any picture will ever let you see.

wow… i <3 boobz

Capcrew- need proof of huge boobays. One pic is not enough, it is not citable in MLA format.

best proof is them on my face

Her tits on your face = jailtime. Just saying.

Will post moar when I get home.

wait, i thought u said shes in college?

The first two are. :rofl

^ Approved.

Ooooorrrr… :ahh

cute girls Y U NO stay cute and leave them earlobes alone?

I love her lobes. That girl is so fucking gorgeous, not even funny. Would cut off finger to smash.

You’re putting the pussy on a pedestal. :lol

<—wouldnt mind tits like that in his face

The last girl I posted is a different girl. Just making sure you know. lol

yup yup. still wants tits like that in my face tho