haha scared of fahq?


then why didnt you say all the shit you were going to? thought so


We raced. No more online feuding. Its over.




then why didnt you say all the shit you were going to? thought so


he wouldnt even look at me at southgate.

if i recall he was but thats just me

I got 2 runs on video.The first run was better than the last run I got.The 2nd video is terrible because My oil gauge flatlined in the middle of second gear.So I got scared.I was in and out of the throttle alot but I found it easier to let them go than 2 seconds later I go.Worked out better.

Explore Larry Balducci

that was close :lol:


that was close :lol:


ls1 swap time?:gotme:

lol jk. it would be pretty badass though.


videos should be up soon

lost like i knew i would

big :tdown: to 540 guy and that fahq queer for trying to pull me while i was in 5th gear at 5500 rpm’s

did like 5-6 pulls…


5500 RPM in 5th, so you were basically cruising around at about 120 or so?

and 90% of the posts in this thread are by total asshats and duchebags…

somebody please lock this, and all other related threads…


and 90% of the posts in this thread are by total asshats and duchebags…

somebody please lock this, and all other related threads…



<------see name


<------see name


Ya… About that. End the suffering of this thread…


<------see name


And who are you???Trying to stir the pot again???
I thought the VR6 woulda been faster.


And who are you???Trying to stir the pot again???
I thought the VR6 woulda been faster.


and i thought the stang woulda been slower.

nice cars guys

i lost big deal. i have no excuses, car ran fine, nothing broke. i just missed a shift on one run. no biggie, still got pulled every run.

/ thread

he called me out, we ran i lost.


your just mad beacuse my moms sunfire is faster then your car
and why did i start to pull on you evertime and if i recall he was yelling ou the window, and if you want hardass we are one street over well meet right now if you want a asskickin


Hardass alert we oo we oo :ohnoes:

can i race?


can i race?


i already lost once. maybe someone else wants to.


Cliffs plz.

Stang > GTi?