callout:ericvw v. cky89

hmmm not even close…try east aurora maybe??

LOL that explains even more

From what i hear, you don’t know dick about cars in general. But i don’t need people to tell me that, i can tell by your posts. You don’t know anyone on there to make that assumption due to you being a retarded poster, sort of like here. I have learned a LOT from many people on there, i can name 20+ people off the top of my head that are knowledgeable and do their own shit, like swaps/wiring/etc. What have you done? Oh, that’s right, bench raced and lost to evo’s. Good job.

And i dont work at a ski shop, you fail at being my stalker.

West necca…hmm sounds like your some little white kid from west seneca who listen to “fidy cent” sold drugs one time and thinks he’s black. grow up

LOL. yeap, mindless deals pretty heavy shit. Youknowthis knows all!!!


o im sorry i figured your first job you got because of your uncle and your second job you got be cause your friends dad owns the shop. You right i dont know shit about cars…thats why im in school now getting im ase certifications

im not gonna lie im having fun and but its time for me to go to bed haha gotta get up at 8 tomorow!! i cant be late for work

LOL wow yea you are dead on the only things that you got right are that im from ws and im white good job. Ill take a shot at you, you are poor ugly emo because girls dont like you and try to act tough online because no one is scared of you in real life. Also by your online antics no one probably likes you in real life its quite sad really.

And btw if you have a problem come see me ill be at south gate once it warms up if you have anything else to cry about.

congrats, im proud of you. still doesn’t solve the problem of you sucking real bad.

Is that all you got? did i upset you on ditb that bad where you attempt to make fun of my employment history?

Maybe instead of being the local retard you should have lurked on ditb and here and maybe enhance your learning, but that would require you to not sound like a tough guy and tool bag.

If you really want to kick my ass because i insulted you on the internet, show up at southgate any nice night…

fight fight fight… lol

Yay for no drama

Btw bill why did you never tell me you sold drugs and listened to “fiddy”.


wtf bill, we can sell drugs together while listening to “fiddy” dick, stop holding back secrets, we have alot more in common then you

11 pages of shit talking and excuses and not a race in sight?

I tried

hah, i hate fighting.

he pm’d me and apologized so i guess im not getting my ass beat anymore :shrug:

No I knowwwww my car was running better then because the throttle body wasn’t closeing and It felt stronger Idonno what your deal is, my car was running fine that night remember I took the mbc off and put on the n75? car was running fine. Lol nyspeed drama ? your always defending yourself even if your wrong. You need to chill the fuck out man this is rediculous

Ok first of all how has he bench raced? Second of all he never got a shot at the evo they didn’t get to race but be my guest if you know anyone with a evo pm them and he will race. Except for sphinx (obvious reasons) LOL where did you get the info that he lost to EVO’s ? because he hasn’t really raced any yet

awww he apologized that makes me sad…i would love to meet him one night at south gate and give him a hearty hand shake and a few other things shrives. :fyi: