CALLOUT: LetItRip, psphinx81 , Onyx Z32

I’ll be out 2nite. Anyone else? jeeves…, letitrip…

im getting tuned tuesday at 4 :tup:

its done :slight_smile:

hopefully the weather dont screw me over on my tuning tomorrow

Any of you able to do it 2nite? - weather looks good

to bad you wernt up last night psphinx was up there last night. and I acually had a vehical that could keep up. ok its only got 2 wheels…

i will be there tonight :tup: c u then homie, ill show up around 930-10






LOL…I was wondering why I wasnt included, then I saw the date. I was out tonight. I’ll be out tomorrow night as well.


LOL…I was wondering why I wasnt included, then I saw the date. I was out tonight. I’ll be out tomorrow night as well.


I would like to see / check out your car. Mine is slowly falling apart, but maybe we could run em tonight. Exhaust is falling off, tranny is starting to slip, water is leaking into the car, brakes are on there way out. . .ect.

Ya lol -this thread came out of the dark ages!

98freakGTP - where have you been? We gotta go for a cruise sometime - give my cell phone a call next time your goin out

I’ll be out n 'bout tonight dunno what time yet. Got a few things goin on but, check the Mighty Meet thread I ~should~ be out around the “area” later on tonight 9pm or later.