Callout: Mindless or any 11sec or better cars. :-)

its almost as if u guys will only race if u know u will win. no one is up fo ra challenge.

Regardless of the value of the car…In a race we look at the specs. Weight, tires, gearing, power etc etc… The value of my car vs. his is inconsequential to a race.

Do you want me to say what your probably thinking…Oh if he would have dumped 70k his honda it would reck all!!! Cool… I much rather be in a Z anyday…no offense to his ride at all, but my car will lack most of the problems he will face and if I do break something it will be covered under a warrenty, its brand new, comfortable as hell to drive, gets ALOT of girls attention:wiggle:, and is still very quick and wont lose to many cars on the road. The argument of how much a person spent means nothing- its all relative to what you can afford.

Can I appreciate the fast low budget cars, hell yeah

What? wanting to race and get shit movin…

Heres the facts…at around 10pm we got a phone call that a monster del sol is calling ANYONE OUT for 300. The car was at a spot called “hot to trot”, we were at the ROC (ROC communications). I said, Ill run him from a dig for his 300. I had the money in hand. We get a phone call back saying hes coming…30 mins later no show and he already left because a friend spun a rod or something…

And ill do that challenge someone posted…150 from a dig and 150 from a roll to make these roll racers happy.

mike i love ya but only 80’s chicks love vettes. its always 2 guys in a vette.

girls really love hondas. i mean its not like models are paid to come model on them at car shows. they do it for free in hopes to lay the guy with the biggest wing.

my point is that it IS all irrelevant, just race and don’t bother with the other bs :wink:


WOW alot of drama here,I m goin to roc on sunday to race from a ROLL with who ever (no drama please)

So you wont meet my challenge then of 150 from a dig and 150 for a roll race…Ill do both with you.


not from a dig,come to buf a we race from a dig

i fucking hate gong from a dig on the street and I have a car that 60 ft’s in the 1.5 range. It is just such a pain in the ass. Roll racing FTW!

how much of a roll are we talkin here ???
from 20 ?? 30 mph ?? ill try you out.
i just hope i can keep up :rx3:


Explain? if its a safe spot, no cars around…whats the issue

You know what…I may just do that…

But I have to ask why, is the pavement better there?

1.5 minutes to 60…not bad. got any vids ???
from a dig, from a dig ,from a dig !
not even bicycle races start from a roll !!!
this is not nascar…we dont start from a roll !!


LOL thats funny…

but mike is right its funny how the story changes…

Its just a convenience thing for me personally. The car is over 600rwhp and i just dont prefer to bolt on a set of et drags every time I want to go out for a street race. I will race anyone from a dig and I love going from a dig I just do it at the track.

I will race you from a dig for 1k but I live in Seattle and you have to meet me out here. Sound good? Why be a jackass when you could have asked like Evomike above and I would have given a serious answer.

Problem is you know damn well and fwd drive has a greater chance of breaking shit from a dig, that why he said if you wanna go from a dig you come to buff. If he breaks out there hes screwed… Just go from a roll and run for Mcdonalds ugh…

40roll and let me khow because if not i m no goin


lol…i accept your challenge…if im ever cruisin around that area …lol
lets make it for $2000 cause race gas and nitrous went up this year.
bro i click the 60ft timer in the 1.2’s with my back tires…
sure you want to do the dig with me ??