You’re either full of shit or delusional.
I’ve got $5k against any S2000 you or your family owns if it races Timmy’s Nova.
You’re either full of shit or delusional.
I’ve got $5k against any S2000 you or your family owns if it races Timmy’s Nova.
if this guy’s nova is 9 seconds or less than yes i am dilusional. HOWEVER this is 11seconds or better. which the st00k definitely will be.
u roch. guys need to eat some fucking vegetables and calm the fuck down. ur pussies are all sandy and irritated.
AND this is the exact setup i bought for my father…
I can’t believe I missed this…WTF???
Cliffs anyone?
It seems like someone thinks they are faster than Firehawk and Turbo while in fact they are not and Firehawk, Turbo, Muscle50 etc are going to Rochacha Sunday to teach them a lesson in horsepower?
Is this true? I need a lesson as well.
Roc and buff have some fast cars , they all just have to get together with one decent already planned out meeting spot…
Mostly all of buff wanna go from a roll if its on the street, and the roc guys wanna go from dig on the street even though most of there vids are from a roll…
Conclusion NYIRP!!!
Dont forget your wallet.
I don’t even know who you are and why would I need my wallet? Did you somehow think I said I was racing? Do you even have a clue what I drive or are you just being an internet tough guy?
This is the most humped thread in years… and you want cliffs.
You better get reading. You’d be smart to put your $$ on the Roch boys.
haha :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes:
WTF? lol
So true, :lol:
quoted for “future funny” :ohnoes:
That’s not what your mother told me on Saturday… she asked how I knew you, I said “we’d met a few times and I was at that last track day” - she responded “yeah, it’s a shame about the Honda, especially since it’s just out of warranty” or something like that and then proceeded to tell me your dad was paying to fix it and that you wanted to build the spare/busted engine to put in your Toyota? Or did I misunderstand her ?
Piston! Tell me how my valve tastes!
What was your excuse again on sunday??? :blah:
You know what Fuck all you guys I bet not one of you fools is slower than me! My LS1 is slow, heavy and ghey. And my exhaust leak sounds way worse than yours does. So if one of you homos want to step up for slowest LS1 I’m in! Bring it on pussies!
You know what would be really sweet is if people put the banter aside and planned a day at a track to go get some runs in. Think about it, bunch of fast cars, safe and legal environment, maybe get a chance to check out each others cars, get to know some new people in real life (rather than their internet persona), act like adults…