Callout: Mindless or any 11sec or better cars. :-)

UNPOSSIBLE! This is the intranet!

I agree Mike, that would make sense, so much that it’ll probably never happen…

i don’t feel like reading 53 pages but I’m sure I’ll be there and I’ll be rooting for Muscle50, Firehawk and Turbo. The track will decide who is the better driver with the better car. As far as betting money on it my philosophy is that real men race for pride, little girls race for $$.

No offense meant to you though, just my philosophy.


as long as my damned clutch master cylinder holds up… the dreaded mccloed strikes again… getting a littttle spongy. but good for now!

mcloed twin disc :tup: :tup: x013294823048
mcloed adj master :barf:

he/we didn’t want to make the trip up with 2 of 5 cars :uhh:

you can always come to buffalo… damn it costs about 60$ JUST to get there :banghead:

if you rent the track for a private day, they can not kick you out for going to fast can they?

This might be something that could work out good for everyone this year considering several cars are with out cages…

i did get the boot before i even went down the track at a GN outing…

BUT, ive heard other stories where there was no “tech”

Whats wrong with your adj master? I love my mcloed master cyl.

Fucking stick guys … ALWAYS looking for an excuse

a lot of people were having issues with them…

in a nutshell… mcleod contracted out to a company to do the masters, a place named “CNC”. the quality went downhill. what it comes down to is… over time (not much time) the pucks and the o-ring in the cylinder were getting lightly cut, therefore fluid was leaking past the seal. what i think it is is the hole that is fed by the reservoir. because of this, mcleod stopped production until they find a new reputable company

i took a chance and was lucky enough to find this clutch in a warehouse. i heard good things about the clutch feel, and if i was going to be spending this kind of money… it better be worth it.

the clutch i LOVE. the engagement is like stock, and it doesnt squeel like my spec 5.

the master has been starting to give me a dead zone in the pedal. i just got my new tires, an got the car back on the ground today, and the pedal is NOTICEABLY spongier. im really NOT looking forward to repairing this master.

basically what people have been doing is brake honing the cylinder, and replacing the puck with a NAPA pn, as well as the o-ring.

i SHOULD be fine for the weekend unless it gets exponentially worse. it really sucks but the feel of the clutch is worth it…i guess


come drive my car and tell me how much of an excuse it is.

in fact, i will let 2 stroke drive my car around a parking lot this weekend just to prove that im not blowing smoke. im still coming and “manning up” aren’t i?

Just put an 400 in there and be done with it …

i will have a th400 core as of tomorrow and am planning to build it. but the fact is i like CRUISING in my CRUISER with my SLOW T56. im not going to get into this again

Sorry billy … you car is NOT a cruiser anymore

Never had a problem with mine. Made a huge difference. RPM tranny, Ram VDS clutch, and mcleod adj master is an awesome combo for me. Powershift every gear. :skunk:

you couldn’t be more wrong.

not only does the car behave, look, and drive like stock, it also sounds like stock. on a daily basis i get the question, “oh does that have an exhaust on it? sounds nice”

no one has a friggin clue :lol:

and i cruise it every chance i get… i even go out sometimes for a whole cruise and dont even boost it :ohnoes::eek::ohyeah:

when did you put yours in?

i know the guys with the older ones really like them. i guess they didnt get bad until the end :frowning:

Yeah I’ve had mine a couple years.

where’s my effing nitrous. i wanna blow my friggin tranny up.

Mike and I were in the poopra doing 11.3 @ 130 with no cage… they asked me not to ride with him anymore but told him he could continue (this was on a private day).

i got a camaro ill run you in, im 2-0 vs s2000’s. one was stocki think. the other not so much.