Callout: Ugososlow

i could brake boost 2, i can also turn the boost up a few more pounds… as soon as i get the turbo replaced lol

If failing to brake boost for a race caused a few cars to get out of line on the chain you would think that the driver would go back out and brake boost his way to the win if it makes that much of a difference.


Alex needs a tune and to screw around with the shift points. After that I think it will be an equal run with dos, both brake boosting. I don’t think Dos will whine about getting another run in, he seems to enjoy beating on the car as does Alex.

Now it seems that after Alex beat your buddy in the Cobalt there was an uproar about the brake boosting. :tear:

theres ALOT more to teh sho project, not nearly done yet, especialy when i get into making custom parts that NOONE makes for the car

and as for the >then thread, i know brake boosting is allowed, and i know for a fact that the “** to***” speed comment is a SUGGESTION … not a rule

your already saying your clutch is slipping, yet you claim you can brakeboost ?

your already saying your clutch is slipping, yet you claim you can brakeboost ?

articzap why don’t you actually get a car before trying to get rules added to something your not even involved in.

Thats like making people launch off idle…from racing from a stop :bloated:

rofl y would i care if alex beat chris. a tarus beat a cheerleader car. whats your point?

y am i makin these stupid post as you call them to so called make an uproar. well because there was post above all this asking how people were getting out of a bracket when they shouldnt have. hence y i asked questions and made statements. im sorry if people feel offended

:bloated: :bloated: :bloated:

why not just brake boost all of your races if you are capable of brake boosting?

It’s a skill the driver uses to make his car faster. If you can do it, do it; I certainly do.


thank you

that aside arctic, you’re getting pwned on your brake boost turbo & mani theories. i don’t know nearly as much about turbo setups as these dudes and even i know that what you’re saying is incorrect.

He already does y0!

check out his sweet decal

More lunacy of his “ride”

Question: Once again, what next?

Underbody Neons
Projector Headlights
Subs & Amp
Racing Buckets
CF Hood

i thought you were kidding til you provided a link

I had to change my thinking on racing a little bit to accept brake boosting. I would think of it as car vs. car, therefore brake boosting just messes things up, even if both do it, cause one might be doing it harder than another. It’s driver vs. driver on the > board, therefore anything goes. When I run my friends I make sure that everything is even, so we know whos car is faster. But in beck vs. UGO, beck can brake boost 10psi and UGO can crack his nitrious bottle molded inside his passenger seat cushion:lol: Just kidding UGO!!

HMMM…that may be better than where it is now. Thanks for the idea.

rofl if you think i own a car. thats my friends old car. wats it matter if i made the site for him. but go ahead continuning to think what you want

I understand what is trying to be said. the reason me and ugososlow are = on the list is that we souldent get a even start to have a iron clad race to know who was truely faster. my exhaust is/was so FUCKING rediclous that we couldent hear the horns and even manualy starting with a hand signal didn’t work.

If i would have brakeboosted dos I’m pretty confident that we would have been even because he is starting at top of second gear and I am starting at the very bottom of second (could have pulled 7mph out of first actually) so he has near instant spool and i have to wait for the RPM’s to come up.

  • as everyone knows one of the porpuses of the list was to help initiate races. for example ugososlow thinks he can beat or tie with dos yet dos is ahead on the list. now they need to race to make it right :slight_smile:

i want aware that he was goin to be taking another step with the sho to build it even further so my appoligies on the small turbo comment. if there are no rules to the chain, then y are there rules just under the chain, or are those suggestions too?

this is only the beginning of the project. muhahaha

As for brake-boosting:


rofl if u think thats my car. only car ive ever owned is a 85 blazer, for like a month. true thats my friends old car. true he sold it. true i advertised his cardomain on as my friends car. true i made the site.

congrats on making urself look stupid scott. i dont see why you must hate me so much but have fun, it doesnt bother me any

Do what you can to win, if you are using a bottle then use it. If you want to brake boost and know the tranny/braking system can take it without compromising safety do it. Wahhhh, he’s cheating go fill a river, or I could have won if blahblahblah, racegas, brakeboost, had no passenger, nawzh4x, didn’t eat dinner, slicks, some magic performance part, if I had traction, get it tuned, hadn’t spend all my money trying to build a car just to sell all the parts at the end, etc.

Run what you brung, do what you can within reason to win. That is the point, excuses are weak.

umm… it’s under your registry on ---->

so I don’t really blame scott for thinking that’s your car.

BTW, what car do you drive, articzap?