CrazyLT1 > Ugososlow

Good roll race last night, even though we kind of figured that would be the outcome.
We got off the thruway and tried a run from a dig, but the Vette’s clutch decided to take a crap shortly into the run. Sorry about that man, just get a good strong clutch in there and you should be all set for a while, goodluck.

:tup: to CrazyLT1 you sound like a good guy no BS and good racin :tup:

omg there was like 89325606593462 million races last night!

This was not even close. Procharged LT1 is way out of stock LS1 league. Good run with no BS, I got DESTROYED. Love the growl/roar of the flowmasters on crazyLT1. My clutch seems fine now.

Ur car is pretty bad ass for a relatively stock LS1 in a vette, I would not be disappointed at all.
I’m glad that your clutch seems better, it prolly just got super hot there and didnt feel like workin too good


when me and the lt1 ran from a 40 roll, i let off @ 100ish, but there was less than a car between us… it was almost dead even…except for that 30 roll.