Camaro front swaybar...on or off?

Have any of the F Body guys expirimented with removing the front swaybar at the track? I know it helps with the weight transfer, and I’d like to test it out to see how it helps, as my car has a hell of a time getting traction at any low speed especially from a stop. About how much of a difference are we looking at at the track? My car is an SS, which I’ve read has a slightly thicker swaybar up front as opposed to the Z/28, not sure if that means it will make more of a difference.
I researched this pretty extensively on LS1tech, but I want to see if any of the local guys have expirience with this. I DO NOT give a shit how my car takes turns. I could not care any less if my car handles like a truck. And before anybody comes in and says “what about when some kid jumps out in front of you and you need to swerve around him?” or something of that nature…I will only be driving the car without it to and from the track, if that. Thanks guys.

EDIT: I’m posting the same thing over on NYFbody so if you respond over there don’t bother with this one.

if you odn’t wanna turn fast take it off makes a huge difference in launching. front end will come up a bunch more on a good hard launch.

just look at my track vid on nyfbody. even on the street my wheels almost come off the ground with it off…and my front end is by no means light. it helps with it off, but normal turning sucks with it off. things you take for granted like exiting ramps become shitty

my swaybar links are broken in my thirdgen i launch harder but cannot turn for shit. like hahaha i put it in a ditch without it…

Yeah, most likely I’ll disconnect it before the track, drive to the track, run, and drive home and put it back on. I’m not into ripping curves anyways so I don’t think I’ll have too much of a problem. The only thing I’m not sure about is if I’ll actually see a drop in my 60fts with my 275 width Fuzion street tires, since I’m probably not going to have money for any sort of DR this year, not to mention I don’t feel like dropping the money on a 12 bolt/9" just yet. I know the only way I’m going to know for sure how it’s going to perform is to take it to the track come spring and see what happens, I’m just trying to get a feel for what to expect.

The previous owner of my tbird took the swaybar out of it, and put v6 springs in it.

The car handled like absolute dogshit, and bounced all over the road.

I ended up putting the big bar back in place, and custom springs on it.

Leave the bar unless you have a strictly track only car.

Ive driven without a front sway bar for two years now, and its no big deal. You wont want to keep installing and removing it, and you wont have to. And if you really want, get a drag rear sway. It will help hold the car straight and is killer to control your track launches as well. Weight transfer + weight savings on the front = :tup:

Oh, I forgot to bring that up about the drag rear swaybars. That’s what I’ll probably do now that I think about it. I know I’ll get sick of removing/replacing the damn thing every week.

i havent had on on my car in two years either dont miss it at all but i dont drive hard on turns so your call i guess

goat, u shouldve boat a honda… HAHAHAHAHA and btw… take it off…

:lol: riiiiiiiiiiight

just thought i would bump this thread and add that i purchased a bmr front sway bar(booooooo booooo) lol i couldnt take it anymore. i have stange coilovers and i think the car car might handle well with it if its not a big difference ill sell it.

wow the army did make you gay…

might help with launch, but also might make you feel as though your going to tip over while turning ahahaha