Can/Am Bodybuilding show pre-judge pics

My pics don’t do these guys and gals justice. It’s a point and shoot digital, but I had to zoom in pretty far and it loses it’s “crispness” when you do that. Some of the classes were pretty damn tough to judge. The judges had there hands full on a few of them, making the guys hit tons of extra poses. Enjoy.

Hahah, although they are in better shape then me.

i would not wanna look like that.

You do realize that those guys are in the over-50 class don’t you? the guy in the middle is over 60. That would be funny if your grandpa could kick your ass, lol.

hhahah, I know they are in the 50 over class, I was laughing because the one dude looks like my dad.

my roommate in college did this some last year.
If it wasn’t for the fitness girls it would be weird going to them

A couple buddy’s of mine at the gym do this. I’m sometimes astounded at what it takes to get your body into this kind of shape. Extreme bulking and cutting. Diet and endless hours in the gym. No thanks.


body building is probably the hardest thing to compete in. Over football, hockey, or any other sport.

It completely changes every aspect of your life, to just compete, at a show here and there. My roommate does powerlifting, and goes through a lot of hell to be able to do what he does.

The guy all the way to the left, I’m pretty sure I know him. His name is Bruce and he’s into body building big time. I cooked with him at the gardenview for about a year, as did Rsnake91.

It’s 24/7 no room for error, for about 6 months. No drinking/partying, no missing meals, no missing a workout, no skipping cardio, planning your diet down to every last calorie in the last 2 weeks, planning your carb depleting/loading down to the last carb, planning your diuretic down to the last hour to get you dry, etc…

The really fucked up thing about it, is that at certain shows, the judging is so…um…political…that not always the best man wins, it happens a lot, and it happened at this show in the womens figure classes.

Imagine going through all of that for 6 months of your life, coming in the best shape of your life, nailing EVERYTHING, overpowering everyone in your class, and getting 3rd out of 5 because the contest promoter is friends with the top 2…just saying

Tons of respect for anyone that goes on stage. That take far more dedication then most here can understand or appreciate.