can I cancel a check?

This is probably a stupid question but, can you cancel a check that you write?

I wrote a check tonight and events have made it that I don’t want the person to cash/company to cash it. There is no way to reach the person to tell him I don’t want him to cash it.

So could I just tell the bank not to allow the check?

I don’t really care if it screws over the company I wrote it to.

stop in at the bank

tell them to canel it

sometims theres a delay in the order, if they cash it shortly after you say tio cancel it, it can still go thru

stop check.

you might be able to stop payment online

Call Your bank, tell them to place a Stop Pay on the check.

You need the check number, and preferably who it’s made to & dollar amount.

They may charge You for the processing, company depending.

call your bank, but theres going to be a fee to put a stop on the check I believe with most banks it’s $25.

What bank is the check from?
also how large of a check is it for? That might also vary the fee.

its been said CALL BANK

I just did it online.

The bank is HSBC, and I didn’t read anything about a fee but you never know.

u can put a stop payment on the check but that person will bounce that check

ok now that you stopped the check, how bout some details as to what happened lol

not his problem.


ya explain man. LAME

A person came to my apartment to sell magazines. He was a dick, made fun of my dog and the size of my apartment. This was after he asked and receive a glass of water. I was about to tell him “no thanks” but my wife said fine and we ended up getting a magazine subscription. I took the receipt and tried to find some kind of contact number but there was none.

Normally I would feel bad but the guy was a dick.

hehe only you tom…

actually, that sounds like a Jay story. :lol:

why on earth would you be a dick to someone who you’re trying to sell magazines to?

and wtf, how do you make fun of the size of their apt when you’re the one OUT SELLING MAGAZINES