Can I find out who owns a particular house online?

There’s a house in Allentown I was outbid on by $750 at auction a few years ago. I wanted a different house that was auctioned later and I lost that bid as well (I bid up to 67k it went for 76. on highland! baller house) which is why I didn’t want to compete more on the allentown house.

Anyway; the women who outbid me were these 2 women from Cali. This was 2 years ago. They still haven’t done anything with the house. I figured if I can try and find them I’ll offer to buy it.

I know I can find out downtown at city hall somewhere what their names are, but is there anywhere online? I won’t have time to go to city hall for quite some time


reverse lookup address


/caps lock

whats the address

Your county assessors office usually has a listing of who owns what property.

yeah you can find owners names by address on the city of buffalos website

Or even just call the county tax assessor. It is public record and very easy to obtain.

Im sure Erie County has a tax assessment/real property website… you should be able to get all the info. off that.