can i put my dog to sleep?

yeah you can, especially when they cant breath and walk :rolleyes:

That is not the same thing… :rant: :nuts:

i bet wifey bitches at you… :kekegay:

Eurodad …

yea, thats fucking unbelieveable. you want to kill your dog because it pisses on the floor. asshole.

my old dog had the same problem …what will plug the bumm hole is macaroni noodles plain just cook em normal and serve em up …also with the pissing my old dog bandit was doing that when he became diabetic so get that checked out

i think venom was looking for a proactive solution for his dog misbehaving and using ‘putting to sleep’ as the magnitude of his frustration…not that he truely wants to kill his dog…

i think?

type and age will tell the tale

I hope you are right…

i just leave a full bowl of dog food out for my dog all the time and he poops fine :dunno:



yeah it all depends on the dog :rolleyes:

My wife and I clash on the idea of dog training. Her way basically never works, because you can’t leave food and water down for the dog all day long and expect it NOT to shit in the house. My way never works because she says you can’t not leave the dogs without food and water all day and gives it to them and then doesn’t want to wait until they go to the bathroom before she leaves for work.

I forced her to get rid of one dog because of this problem. it pissed on everything and pretty much destroyed the entire house. I would confie it to the bathroom with no food or water and there would be no pee or poop, but as soon as it was out, shit happened everywhere. not to mention chewing.

I suggest getting a cage and putting the dog in there. If the cage is small enough the dog won’t pee or poop unless it is forced too. Like if you feed it before you leave for work, don’t take it out before you leave and then shove it in the cage. Understand that it can take hours for the dog to take a crap. You basically have to get up 3 hours before you need to leave, feed the dog and then wait for it to start shitting in the house. leave the leash on so you can grab that little bastard real quick. a quick jerk on the chain and the dog stops shitting and you drag it outside. Hopefully, mother nature will over come the trauma and the dog will shit quickly. reward with a treat, take the dog inside and put it in the cage.

Repeat the schedule when you get home. Get the dog out of the cage and take it outside immediatley. hopefully it will pee or poop very quickly. reward it and then take it inside and feed it and give it water. It ismportant to note how long it takes the dog to pee or poop after you feed it. this way you can fine tune your schedule. say it takes 30 minutes. you feed the dog at 1:00. at 1:20 you should be dragging the dog outside and waiting ten minutes for some crap to happen. YOU MUST MANAGE THE DOG or it will destroy your entire house.

I have a 2+ yo boxer that usually doesn’t do anything in the house, she is one jealous, attention hungry bitch. I didn’t want to let her out to sit with us at the picnic table one afternoon. She got pissed at us and even though she was out long enough to shit and pee, she still pissed and shit all over our bed.

Good luck!

well sorry for the delay. i just got back from the vet, and I hope I made the right decision…

austrailan silky terrier
he was 5

Well if you actually put it to sleep for that you are a real asshole. to bad someone didnt stick a needle in your neck when you pissed the bed as a little kid

maybe it had a disease fucktard.

Did you read my post asshole…I said if he put it to sleep for that…As in just pissing everywhere…learn to read

Your on my Ignore list, so No i didnt read it.

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ignore lists are gay :nono: