Can I ship a motor like this?.........

Im going to be shipping out my motor tomorrow but just want to see what your opinions are. I tried to put it on the pallet up right but it kept tipping over no matter how I strapped it down. I even tried putting some blocks around it to prop it up but there arent any good spots to put them under (oil filter was the only thing close enough and I didnt like that Idea). It will be shipped using Roadway Freight if that means anything.

So I turn to you, Should this be an acceptable way to ship the motor?

Just make sure there is nothing hanging between the slats to get skewered with a fork.

um. sausage mcbiscuits?

lol idk. id assume it would be okay. u take all the fluids and stuff out of it?

Ya all of the fluids have been drained and there isnt anything hanging between the slats. Does it need to be wrapped or can I leave it like this?

id put a little saran wrap around it just to keep anything from gettin in there , and plug any open holes that might be in left

Sound be good.

If your feeling constructive, you could build a box around it out of plywood or wrap it in some plastic wrap just to protect it from the elements. It probably won’t see any, but you never know.

EDIT: ^^^^ beat me to it

at least wrap the thing

Good-laying it the way you did is MUCH better then standing it up.
Good-The straps will hold it fine.

What you need to consider is them bumping that pallet around or bouncing other freight off it. It may happen. The chances of that distributor cap coming back broken are pretty good. I would put a plywood board on the front or something for protection.

-Make sure the straps dont go OVER any sensors, the fuel rail, or anything that may break off or be bent/damaged.

-Make sure the straps dont go over and sharp casting edges or parts that can slowly cut through the straps as load is bouncing around on a truck. Folded cardboard placed under the strap in rough locations works well.

i can see that distributor getting smashed quick. Other than that id just quick plastic wrap should be fine

probably should have wrapped it in plastic first, other then that, i see alot of engines shipped that way.

x-2 on the dizzy getting smashed .

Wrap it with saran warp a few times.

Another vote for shrink wrap.

Deff. wrap it and take pics(in case it gets fucked during shipping) of it before you wrap and ship it, motors tend to break a lot during shipping because of assholes who cant do their jobs right. I know I have shipped a few.

wrapping the engine in plastic is not that important unless internals are exposed. Its a sealed motor that is exposed to mud, road salt, and rain. So wrapping it protects nothing except the open exhaust ports.

Its good for keeping the wires and stuff tucked in but thats about it. In shipping a motor there are more important things to worry about. Platic wrap wont prevent a forklift from breaking sensors and brackets off… and thats what you need to worry about. I

looks good other then the dizzy. either make a box around the whole motor, or take it off and attach it to somewhere that the dizzy isn’t so open and acceptable to breakage

Anything that sticks outside the pallet is gonna get trashed. Straps look good

honestly i would build some sort of a crate around it. even if it is just cheap shitty flakeboard, or even reinforced cardboard it will only add a few pounds to it, and even something as thin as that will give you a lot more protection than everything just open like that. When I worked at UPS i saw how some of this stuff got thrashed around, and although I’m sure you are shipping this via some sort of freight company, I would still pack it a little better.