How do I ship a motor?

Well, after looking at the “How do I ship a tranny” thread, i figured I’d ask the other big question: How do I ship a motor?

I am getting ready to sell my 3.8L SC motor out of a 94 bonneville and I have already had interest in it, but everyone who is would require shipping it. I was hesitant about doing it, but I figured I would see is someone can tell me how they’ve done it and maybe I can offer to ship it. It is currently on a stand now, and I believe it is drained completely, but will check on that.

I have access to a pallet and also can ship it from work (loading dock). Just basically need to know how to secure it and cover it.

Any suggestions?

Chain it to the pallet and wrap it in plastic i’d imagine

same way i described shipping a tranny

I like the catapult idea

sit motor on a old tire(or some other kind of stand), band everything to pallet and swrink warp the hell out of it? we have a nice ass shrink wrap pallet machine here. Wraps shit up real good

For the best rate fill out the bill of lading:

For salvage value only Per NMFC# 120865, Freight Class 70