can men and women be friends?

do you really need to talk to a bitch after you pee in her butt

w.e your all pigs

Dating in the circle… Thats healthy. I would never find myself in a situation as unhealthy as yours. Plus if he honored you, he’d probably ditch that “cunt,” and that would only leave you.

I remember those days from high school, but I left the drama there, and grew up. But what I’ve noticed since I left… Most women haven’t changed, regardless of age. The only guys that still gossip and even care turned out gay… Dont’ get me wrong… Girl fights are fucking hilarious, but I don’t need that.

You only posted in this thread, you have not welcomed yourself. And for somereason love only trolling this thread…

I made my samich, and later on I’ll get my steak and bj. I suggest you do the same if you don’t want to lose your bf to that “cunt.”


your a prick… and i do plenty to keep my boyfriend coming back for more thanks… im not worried about “that cunt” anymore… thanks for your shitty advise those asshole

You didn’t ask for advice, you only came in to bitch.


Whats new…

aww someone has there red wings

shee cant speeel english good either


anyway, you certainly picked the wrong type of forum to come on and label all guys THE DOWNFALL OF THE UNIVERSRARRARAARAR.


oh wait…
Yes that means you don’t trust him. Which means you’ll probably start hanging out with some suave nyspeed guys to make him jealous… and then you’ll just be another statistic…

On that… noodz?

back on topic.

I think some guys can be friends with some girls, but there’s still always a chance of a random hookup. It all depends on the person… But more often than not, we, as humans, have an unending urge to reproduce.

I think this is so much like arguing politics or religion…
If you’re in a relationship, and you’re more worried about keeping your opposite sex friends than your significant other, break up and move on. You’re much too young/not ready to have your loins tamed with the seriousness of a functioning relationship. (obviously there will always be some sort of exception to this…)

:spank::spunk::beer::hitit::skunk::whip::naughty: :angryhump: :rolljerk::suckoff::zong:

It can work, unless you’re insecure in your relationship / are dating a jealous person.

wait so u stole ur one of ur best friends boyfriends/crush/whatever away from her… maybe she shouldnt have trusted “other cunts” a.k.a. “you” around him. All i know is that u probably should shut ur mouth cuz girls like u make me look bad. thanks

SHUT UP BLEWBYU. god. stupid girl.

FUCK YOU… and my boyfriend and i will not be just another statistic because we have gone through a lot and we are still together after almost 3 years so go fuck yourself, or get your cunt to do it for you

wait, what are these girls doing posting anyways

its almost 5:30 shouldn’t you all be in the kitchen preparing dinner?

ha ha… meet u at cahoots? so i can kick ur ass. lol


those look like letters and numbers. not noodz. :banghead:

wow, 3 years…really long time. less talky, more noodz


ya fiends works u just have to lay that pussy out a couple times a week