can men and women be friends?

I’d hate to meet the poor sob you’re speaking for…

And your run on sentence doesn’t even make sense… Did you drop out of high school, or even plan on making a contribution to society some day?

Or on the contrary… You really do, let him “fill ya up” every night, shut up, and just look good. (for now)

Seriously bring something to the table or shut up. (nudes)

<3 Gus


just made steaks on the grill… i prefer charcoal instead of gas grill for my steaks… done medium… if thats ok with u. wanna come over for dinner… i made extra:)

i fucking love steak!


but my steaks just got finished cooking too

if you get it at the most mid rare, men will like you more :wink:

2+ If not already “2+'ed” by now.

It’s steak, it can be 2+'ed alllll week long.

all girls are lieing sluts too though. even if you are with them >2 yrs and think otherwise

I was a good b/f though lol

for 3 months :frowning:

i bet i got a few thick ones that are about med rare. its all yours.

shut the fuck up

I think guys and girls can just be friends.

I’ve always been partial to only having guy friends. Girls suck.

But yeah, I ended up hooking up with a select few, and am still friends with them, but JUST friends now. With those ones though, there was sexual tension right from the start. So it was innevitable.

Then there are plenty more that I never did and never ever would touch. I’ve had more guy roomates then girls…and nothing ever happened with those ones.

Am I rambling?

LOL. Quality thread.

I voted I don’t give a shit. I have mixed thoughts on the OPs question. It’s complicated… And really, who gives a shit?

I’m leaving the house :frowning:

byebye bitches

I am going to drink a beer after this thread. peace

bah, wtf. i read 4 pages of crap and no nudez. :frowning: wtf is wrong with this place.

Listen… Im only 20 but I work/flirt with girls who are upwards of 24 (Girls working on their masters and bachelors ect), And even in those conversations, all I can get out of them is more articulate and better structured conversations about gossip and the newest hip hop trends and ect. I have dated and been with girls my age and a lot younger too, and in the end… I just see almost every girl as the same. Obviously thats not to say much as im young and have yet to mingle with 30 year olds and such, but I cant see it being much more different.

I would say 3 out of the top 100 people I have ever met in my life who earn the most respect from me are women, and one is my mom so thats just a shitty bias.

Women are stupid and have no attention spans, therefore makings them lesser humans, and when you factor in their emotional instability, they are 95% less effective than men in anything imho. Thats why there are so few women CEO’s, Government Officials, and other high ranking jobs. Even women who do accel in well paying jobs, are usually in task based positions that dont involve creativity to yield better results for a companys, a jobs, or even the worlds benefit. (eg.A lot of women are doctors right, which obviously takes a long time to become and a great deal of work, but how many innovative momen doctors do you see creating groundbreaking ways to preform a surgery or to replace old outdated techniques[SIZE=2][FONT=&quot]? Lets just[/SIZE][/FONT] say you see a lot more men doing it.)

Granted men have kept women down unrightfully for years, and still do to a point, but they are still just mentally a few centurys behind men… its science lol.

Id so be gay if it wasnt for the gaybuttsex and gayblowjobs part…

In responce to the last 2 pages of arguing… yeah guys have a shitty rap for cheating and they should because most guys are scumbags imho… But at the same time for all the good ones out there… there are a lot of shitty girls too, not as many, but a lot so there is no reason a girl should not worry about infidellity just based on the overall concencious of american men.

but not every girl is a girly-girl who only cares about fashion and gossip. :shrug:
perhaps we are few and far between…but it’s not fair to say every single girl is like that, just as well not every single guy is a scumbag.

:bigclap: this thread