can men and women be friends?

So true…

But… Even girls who do take on hobbies, jobs, and interests that do stem past the ones I have already mentioned, still can only manage to take them no where near a point where the average males interest in said hobby, job or interest lies.

Sure there are chicks out there who love cars… but how many female mechanics are there? One step further, how many can tune cars… how many own their own tuning shop?

Sure some girls like sports… But how many write for local news columns… national colums (which I am starting to see more of, even though most of their intent of taking on sports is to launch their career into bigger general broadcasting stations someday).

Get what im saying???

Im not saying girls are worthless because truly, everyone should live their lives to make themselves happy and id say there are more happy girls out there than happy guys… But for a guy to find value in what a girl is interested in should be a very difficult task, unless a girl is ok with just porkin a lot and minimal conversation.

but i hate talking and i like sex.

Dude. Just wait. You’re obviously just used to airhead college girls who are only concerned with getting as much male attention as possible without getting the reputation of being a whore.

They get better as they get older. They learn how to make sandwiches.

i think im gonna punch the next girl i see in the face…i was gonna save it for babies but bitches just pissed me off

i think this is ok for this thread

I really hope you are right and lmao at sammich!

But, The way I see it is my generation is already stuck in their ways, and while they will mature and refine a little bit, they will not change too much. The days of woman I feel is almost over. Why do you think the divorce rate is so high now a days… Girls realize they dont have to be accountable to anyone anymore (a sign if immaturity). Girls are ok not changing because where in the past they would be tied down… now they can just do what they want. TV and media has basically made it acceptable for girls to be skanks (and what I think is dumbed them down too) and this is probaly just the tip of the iceburg.

Fry just curious, youre married right?
What common intrests do you and your wife share, that you feel she is more compitent and entertaining to partake in as opposed to some of your better guy friends?

I really am just curious… and this goes to anyone on here who is 28ish or older and is married on here…

What triats to you like about your wife more than you like about your best guy friends other than sex or acceptance?

Who knows… maybe you are they dream girl, THEY ARE OUT THERE! but there are not many. And I bet if you had sex with your guy as much as he wanted to, you’d realize that you dont even relate to him in that nature…


Even though you may consider him sexually satisfied with you (and I hope you do have one partner as you obviously are expecting right?) You would find that he will want it a lot more than you actually have it. He may not say it to your face, but If you could just turn the waterworks on down their just as easy as he could get up, and he got to make all the sexual calls for a month, you would find that you would be having a lot more sex than you did.

Unless he is gay… like me now :mamoru:

Not expecting. Already popped the bun out of the oven. And yes one guy. I told him he needs to start coming home mid-afternoon and he laughed at me.

My wife used to say that LOL

She has a vagina.

And boobs.

And she’s really funny. She’s very right brained while I am very left brained. She’s smart. Sometimes she wants to talk about celebrities or whatever, but other times she wants to tell me about the latest research in behavior based treatments of autism she’s learned. Watching a political debate with her is like watching a football game with a guy. She taught me to love travel and learning about the world beyond our little American bubble. She’s more stubborn than I am, and I love a challenge! :lol:

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I just need to go out with the guys, but in general we just get along really well and want the same things in life.

And she has boobs.

When you get older, get married, have kids, and start doing things as couples like going out to dinner, things change.

In response to moboost, I feel my wife is as good a friend as my best guy friends. Neither is better, just different.

And in response to this:
“Im not saying girls are worthless because truly, everyone should live their lives to make themselves happy and id say there are more happy girls out there than happy guys… But for a guy to find value in what a girl is interested in should be a very difficult task, unless a girl is ok with just porkin a lot and minimal conversation.”

I tended to date women that I not only liked, but respected for some specific talent. One is a very accomplished violinist, two were DJs, my wife is an artist and her work legitimately impresses me, etc. Once you actually respect someone, for whatever reason, you tend to care about what they’re into.

r-e-s-p-e-c-t. exactly.

I’ve never had a REAL female friend I wouldn’t sleep with.

Entirely possible, but rather rare.

A very valid point, and this is where I stand too. Nothing makes me fall for a girl more than their differences from the girls I have already mentioned, but like I said earlier, in this day in age, it seems like those girls are very very few and far beteen. Many girls have interests but they usually they dont take them serious enough for me to even want to pursue a conversation in depth about them…

Girls from your age an generation seem to be as another poster said “women.” And like I said earlier, I feel that most all “women” are gone and out the door. Thats where this statement derives from…

That may be kind of a bland statement and I wont lie, I am an extreme pessimist, but I see girls slowly becomming more or less carbon copies of each other in the sense that they are throwing away hobbies and intrests and just following the same media humping/personal life love format.

Maybe im too picky or just need to get out more lol… I guess in a nutshell, you can be friends with anyone, but to be best friends with a girl (and by best, I mean can relate to nobody better) it just seems to be impossible to me. Its like the old saying goes… Its not about finding the girl of your dreams, its about finding the one you can put up with…:meh:

I definitely see this to some extent. It’s certainly a scary time for my wife and I to be raising a daughter. I think about what MTV was when it started and see what it has become and I can’t help but think about how many kids get their culture from MTV and like sources.

Part of the reason I went for women with a talent was they had a passion for something. If a person isn’t passionate about anything, they’re not going to be very interesting.

very well said, Once there is maturity i believe men/women can be friends. yes the relationship is different of that between guy-guy and guy-woman.
And as said above, my gf agrees w/ how she trusts me 100% but in turn does not trust other women. And for that i cannot blame her.This day and age there is not alot of respect and class in people.

These touchy feely threads suck. But I’ve got a few female friends I wouldn’t do because it’d ruin the relationship we have, not because they’re ugly but because they’re fun to talk to and I trust them.

OT: Resurrected J, did you grow up in Mt Morris? What year did you graduate? I’m from Nunda…