can someone explain to me...

i’ve talked to several people and i’m getting mixed opinions.

if you pull an ebrake while going straight, clutch in, and pull hard, will or will it not lock up the rear tires?

i heard it only works while your turning, then i’ve also heard its supposed to lock up while going straight.

if it only locks up while turning, why is it like that? do you have to be on the brakes first before you can lock up the rears?

how does this work.

just curious.

it may be a noob question, but i’d like to know how this works if the first part is true.


well if u have good brakes they will lock up if u pull hard enough. if u have crappy econo brakes they probably wont lock up…u dont have to be on the brakes before hand

i tried doing it today just to test it out cause i was curious and my car hardly slowed down. had the ebrake up for a good 3seconds while i was chilling, waiting for my car to slow down.


but i’ll upgrade to hawk to see whats up.

since we’re on the topic of pads, anyone want to give some advice on whats a good setup front and rear?

how good are your pads.
mine lock up right away.
this went throgh my mind too when i had my car lol. i tired it out and mine lock up when i was going stright and yanked the hand break and it broke loose. can u do a 180 with ur hand break?

ya i can do 180s easily, it locks up when i turn/go sideways but it doesn’t seem so when i go straight which kinda sucks

sorry i meant if you drive stright and just yank ur e-break could you do a 180.
I foudn a big differnece when i cahnged my break pads

ya i can do 180s easily but ill have to turn the wheel to do a 180 right.

so ya with turning the wheel it will lock up meaning i can do a 180 but it wont lock up if i just clutch in and yank the ebrake up

ill slow down, but not very significant.

i gotta get rid of these $20 cheapo pads lol

carbon Kevalar :slight_smile:

yeah the brake pads make a big difference… also try adjusting your ebrake cable.

whats a better pad?

in order of aggressiveness?

hawk hps, KVR, axxias

i want a more aggressive pad at the rear and a less aggressive in the front. (z32 front and stock rear)

any suggestions?

I hated KVR, porterfield RS4 however… schweet

like what mr_240sx said, adjust your ebrake.

the way you do it is, you loosen the ebrake. keep the handle down, then pump your brakes like 5 times. then you tighten it back up. then after i adjusted the ebrake it locked up while going straight when it didnt before. try it out! :wink:

^ ya i will try that for sure, but of course when it stops snowing like a mad man.

what was so bad about KVR? ive heard lots of good things. a lil better than Hawk HPS?

Hawk HP+

nah too much

i want something a little better than stock (less brake dust too) for up front (z32) and something aggressive like Hawk HPS or KVR for the rear (stock s14 calipers)

You can definetly lock up your tires if your going straight, doesnt matter how fast your going. It depends on how good your pads are and if your e-brake cable is loose or tight and how good your tires are… you can adjust the tightness of you brake line. most automatic cars are set pretty soft from the factory, most manual cars are set more tight. Mine locks up at about a quarter way up even in straight line. You can do 180 very easily its not even worth the wasted rubber. If you wanna be really sick you have to be able to do a full 360 while moving, catch it and continue going fast. :wink: kids dont try this at home.

While going straight, it might be locking up, but you might just not feel it as much because you have that forward momentum. When you break your forward momentum by turning, your also breaking traction alot harder, causing your rear end to slide.

Alot of pro drifters e-brake WAYYY before entering a turn to get the car ready to go sideways, and some use it to increase their angle while sideways.

OEM in front
Hawk HPS or HP+ in rear

the KVR pads I had (KVR Carbon Kevlar Brake Pads) wore too fast and unevenly, the inside pads (Z32 4 corner) wore considerably faster than the outside, and didn’t last as long as I would have liked. Other than that they were nice pads, a little short lived, good stopping power, but not as good as hot porterfields

I am pretty sure bing has run those KVR’s aswell and noticed the same thing.

However the porterfields (RS4 fronts) lasted me like 20+ months, and wore evenly (same calipers).

When the rear of your car locks you know it.

You should be able to lock the rears in a straight line at any speed. I found regular pads best in the back for dori.
