Can someone help me out?

My name is Keith and basically im working full time for $8.20/hour…im very interested in cars and have basic knowledge and im looking to go to a trade school like uti within the next year…im just wondering if there are any local shops around buffalo that need help so I am able to gain experience in the automotive industry in some way…basically like an intership thing…i really dont care how much you want to pay me im just looking to gain some experience and knowledge. What got me into cars is that I have bought and sold over 15 cars in the past year making a good profit from each sale and I started from scratch with an 87 chevy celebrity lol… I currently own a Turbo II fc rx7 and a lt1 caprice.Thanks for your time…

If you really did turn over 15 cars for a good profit keep doing what you are doing,buy a tow dolly and sell 30 this year.You can make a decent living on $8 an hr.It’s what you do with the rest of it.
i.e. I bought a Car on here a few months back for $350 sold next week for $750. 3 or so months later I took it on a trade along with $700 for a car I had $8-850.Sold it for $900 like 5 days later.For no more then $1200 I made $2,300.
But yeah do try and find a little better job.There are many around here that are $10+.
Hell get a job delivering pizzas.You wil make more then $10 and hr and think how much road time you will have and all the cars you will see.I can’t tell ya how many times I’ve bought a car while delivering a pizza.Don’t be afraid to knock on a door and ask about one wth no plates either.Don’t be afraid to trade cars that run fine for ones that may need a little work.You can make some nice coin there as well

There really isn’t much more money in being a mechanic kieth. Unless you work under the table on your own.

Dealing cars is how I’ve worked my way from a $200 Ford escort to my $11k+ Dodge ram.

Now that I have a truck, I’m focusing on getting a car trailer(If I don’t flip the truck too haha). Once I get that, I’ll focus on getting my dealership license.

Then whatever profits are going towards college.

Keep dealing cars, stay on craigslist and find someone that can invest with your little business, may that be a friend or a parent or someone close.

UTI is a good school for giving you the knowledge and understanding required to work on cars but nothing will ever beat experience. Try looking for a job at a quick lube place to start just to get the basics down. There is a lot of $ to be had working on cars if you’re good at it and can get your ASE’s. I’m ASE master certified and earn an OK living wrenching but I also have friends out there who are just as good as I am but have no certificates and make crap money. Good luck with your search.

UTI, Auto/Diesel & Industrial Technology graduate, 4.0GPA, near 100% attendance, Audi Academy graduate program top GPA, ASE Master Tech A1-A8, L1 Advanced Level Engine Performance Specialist, made Audi Master Tech in 11 months at my first dealership. 2nd dealer moved on to Audi and Porsche. There’s money out there to be made, just gotta take that big jump and apply yourself. I used all the money from the army and the GI bill to pay for it, b/c UTI isn’t exactly cheap, and it’s over double from what i’ve heard from when i went.

There is no reason you can’t mAke 40 50k a year. I would offer you a job as I have some knowledgable guys and I have become a very good trainer. I however no longer hire nyspeed members or people without a strong mechanical background.

Even if it’s a nyspeeder with a strong mech background? o.O
I guess you had a bad experience :o

hint to op;
find out where nitro works, and apply there and don’t mention nyspeed

You would really have to have a solid resume to even get me to call you for a interview. Had too many kids work for me.

I Would go to ecc auto school over uti
or ohio tech… they have a training program with a BUNCH of car manufacturers. They have a diesel program and a bmw program where after a few year you can be making upwards of 65k, which is good money for something you actually enjoy

birdman just went graduated from alfred state, you can pm him, im sure he’d share experiences or w/e. both homo and things actually related to school :slight_smile:

And i believe in order to get an “internship” with a shop, you need to be enrolled in a program atleast. otherwise it will just be “hey, get me that tool” “hey, sweep this up”

well my girlfriends dad owns pm performance paul…and i want to get into what he does like start off working for someone then make my own business…

ut oh

is that why you made that siqq offer on that audi?

so you could flip dat shit.

:mamoru: well then maybe your should work there and learn from the master

X2, thats what I do, I deliver pizza( waiting for my new job soon hopefully), been doing it ten years and selling cars on the side. Nothing like hands on experience getting cars that need headgaskets and engines. Lots of work and headaches but its easy money.

Then why say that in the first place then?