Can you Reformat a computer in safe mode?

My parents computer can only run in safe mode. When you run it regular it just keeps rebooting to the windows screen and never starts. I already tried a system restore, now I am going to reformat it.

The only way I know how to reformat it is through installing XP?

Can I do this in safe mode?

you shouldn’t need to even go to safe mode. XP is bootable.


just boot from the CD you silly g00se

yeah pop your xp disc in and run from disc

deltree c:/ .

PS. if you dont know what this does, do NOT type it at a command console.

^^^ :slight_smile:

put in XP disk, f2 or whatever your computer uses for bios, boot from cd, save and exit.
Cd will boot, and then reformat and install

you might have to press the any key when it starts though…

i hate computers this doesnt work, safe mode goes right to a black screen

I put the cd in go into bios(F2) and when I select the !cd-rom, save and exit, it loads to a black screen,

do I have to deselect the HD? it has a plus in front of it

you want the cd-rom to be at the top of the boot list… it obviously starts at number 1 and goes down the list

lol, i got it, thanks

rm -rf . | y

Thatll fuck up your unix system, just in case any linux nerds want to know. Prolly have to sudo or be in root though.

i use ultimate boot disc to zero the drive, then i repartition.