Can You Say Fast???

Sti rally car flying through this section of the course

fuck that was fast. too fast? i’d be curious if he wrecked shortly after.

I still say that rally drivers have the MOST driving skill out of any other type of racing, including F1

Wow. The crowd on the left didn’t exactly get out of the way with a lot of time to spare.

I’m gonna have to agree on that, although I bet you we’ll both be corrected soon enough:zong:

idk whoes crazier, the driver, or the people watching

Can we try it with your sti?
jkjk :slight_smile:


haha to get squirly with my sti going that fast.>?>? i dnt think so

You’re used to this. :slight_smile:

I do not agree with that at all, rally is very intense but F1 is on a whole different level…

i heart rally but the forces put on your body and mind in an F1 car must be ridiculous. trying to maintain with all that has got to suck.

dangida dangida dang that was fast.

It’s hard to say which requires more skill.

But there is a saying…

“Circuit racers take the same 10 turns 1000 times and Rally drivers take 1000 turns once”

both are equally matched but different versions of skill.

It’s funny how all the people run out into the street to snap photo’s after he drives by. I hope no other cars are coming.

Why even bother arguing which one takes more skill? Both are disgustingly crazy.

Do you know anything about rally?

I think it’s a great argument to be honest… I wish there were more knowledgeable opinions about it in this thread :roflpicard:

It’s like arguing which sport is harder: football or hockey?

Why does one thing always have to be better than something else? I guess if you’re the ultra competitive guy, then it might be kind of fun to argue :gotme:

Alright, since I’m not the ultra competitive guy ( usually ) and I don’t necessarily feel it’s an argument, why don’t I rephrase it.

I wonder which driver could excel at the other’s sport?