canada is pathetic

dont matter i heard September the passports go into affect

:gotme: Ive never been asked any $ questions, just the usual duty shit.

Best border crossing story:

Coming back from a night of drinking in canada, there was 6 of us crammed into an Envoy. Come back into the US and stop at the agent. All of us are drunk but the driver, esp the kid whos birthday it was in the back seat sitting next to me.

US Customs Guard: “Where are you guys coming from?”

Suddenly my friend next to me before anyone could even answer yells:


All of us thought we were going to jail. The guy was really cool tho and just laughed and let us through.

  1. i was typing fast i dont care about spelling.
  2. we told her we had credit cards she told us we had to have cash
  3. if im not going over to drink or buy anything then why would i bring money

^ BS or she was just a C*NT

I just went over there Saturday night and didn’t have a problem, haha thats funny

Why the fuck would you need cash, Its becoming more and more a plastic oriented world. Cash is going out of style.

Havent you seen those Hip visa commercials where everything is in sync and the person with cash or the check fucks it all up.


dont matter i heard September the passports go into affect


Yeah whats up with the passport shit. I wanna go to the strip clubs after my stag next year on a Cheese bus with a shit load of buddies, but now we are all gonna need passports???

Meh, just went up last weekend to the falls to do nothing but sight seeing and ice cream. However, when I went to get ice cream they didn’t accept plastic (wtf who doesn’t accept plastic these days).

Needless to say crossing the border was easy and all I said was sight seeing at the falls and they let us through.


Havent you seen those Hip visa commercials where everything is in sync and the person with cash or the check fucks it all up.


He was canadian

thread backfire!


^ BS or she was just a C*NT


quick question when you go up to the “raves” do you wear shoes?


quick question when you go up to the “raves” do you wear shoes?


If this is a serious question. Yes. You cant get in with out dress shoes (on most nights).

If it wasn’t… inforfunnies

seriously did you guys look like bums or something.

I’m growing tired of the whole canada scene. I usually hitup toronto or NF canada for a night a few times a year, but this time I booked a 49 dollar priceline room at the remodeled crowne plaza hotel on 3rd street in NY.

Will have to report back with details.


quick question when you go up to the “raves” do you wear shoes?


I can’t tell if your being serious or just stupid. What are they teaching you over there at U.B.?

just reminded me of that “no shirts, no shoes, no enter” thing at 711

LOL, clubs in Toronto are not “7-11”

If they required shirts…Why would Marcus go there?


just reminded me of that “no shirts, no shoes, no enter” thing at 711


ok. really bad marcus/no-shirt jokes are getting older than :picard:

maybe if you’ve got a really awesome zinger, break it out, but when it’s completely irrelevant, it’s dumb.


If they required shirts…Why would Marcus go there?
