canada is pathetic

You going to see Benassi Marcus cause I will be there :slight_smile:

not sure yet.


not sure yet.






oh be quiet you pussy, each time I asked you to go, you were plugging your vag and couldnt go for one reason or another :smiley: I will probably end up going…


oh be quiet you pussy, each time I asked you to go, you were plugging your vag and couldnt go for one reason or another :smiley: I will probably end up going…


Touche. Well played good sir. Well played.


ok. really bad marcus/no-shirt jokes are getting older than :picard:

maybe if you’ve got a really awesome zinger, break it out, but when it’s completely irrelevant, it’s dumb.


oh silly, it wasn’t meant to be funny, it was just a random thought


oh be quiet you pussy, each time I asked you to go, you were plugging your vag and couldnt go for one reason or another :smiley: I will probably end up going…


when is bennasi playing?


OP - you were walking across the border, with no money, no intent to spend money and probably looked homeless.

If I was the customs agent i’d turn you away too. You guys made it look like you were going over with a bad reason.

How old are you? that will play a huge part as well.

That happened to a buddy of mine although he said he had about $30 on him.This was about 8yrs ago and they still give him a hard time when he goes across as he had been denied entry before and they always ask him why.

same thing happened to my brother… he went with 5 guys who had over 160 bucks. my brother didnt have any but had a CC he was going to use at the casino! He has a hard time going over every time now. So stupid.


Best border crossing story:

Coming back from a night of drinking in canada, there was 6 of us crammed into an Envoy. Come back into the US and stop at the agent. All of us are drunk but the driver, esp the kid whos birthday it was in the back seat sitting next to me.

US Customs Guard: “Where are you guys coming from?”

Suddenly my friend next to me before anyone could even answer yells:


All of us thought we were going to jail. The guy was really cool tho and just laughed and let us through.


idk my story may top it … crossing the border with my friend DD , i was beyond wasted… we pulled up the guy asked where were from and then … i open the door and puked on the border… the guy was laughing and said just get him out of here

so what i thought was cool i puked on canada and the U.s. at the same time…