
Hey i’m just looking for some advice on whether or not I need a capacitor for my system. I have 2 10" MTX subs 300 RMS and a 1200 Sony Xplod amp (yeah i know it sorta sux but it works for me). Do I need a capacitor for this system or not? I’m not exactly sure how capacitors work but I hear that they are good to have. Any help would be appreciated thanks. :hitit:

You will be much better off to upgrade the electrical charging system rather that just throw a capacitor into the mix. Upgrade the alternator and the wiring to the chassis/battery and you will have no need for a cap. If your charging system is already struggling a cap will just be an additional burden on it.

How expensive is all that do you think? I just like my simple system in my car…I had it in my Nissan 240SX and I never had a problem so I’m not even sure I need to do upgrade anything at all…I have an 01 eclipse now what do you think?

cap can help with feeding the amp power, but will nnot help the dimming of the headlamps, if you are doing it to increase the quality of sound then go for it, but your in search of somthing to fix the dropping of power to the car then follow S10Blazed Si

ok thanks guys

Yeah. A capacitor is similar to a battery in ways of storing energy, but it does not produce it. What it does is sends instant power to your amp. I recommend a capacitor cause it takes wear off your alternator and battery while increasing the power to your amp. An amp without a cap, draws power from the battery and decreases from the trip to the amp. The longer the wire, the more power loss. With a capacitor, it is already charged, and is ready to be sent to the amp. ( Courtesy of Luzerne County Community College. The Mobile Electronics course is awesome. If you want to go to school for mobile electronics and at the same time not move to far from home, I recommend it. Its located in Nanticoke, Pa. , In the north eastern part of PA. The course will help you get MECP certified. )

:bigthumb: :bigok:

cool post

I never knew why people had the capacitors before, I thought it was for the dimming of the headlights.

capacitors also filter out line noise from the electrical system, they block AC, pass DC. if you’ve got a high pitched whine in the system that increases with engine rpm, first hunt down all the ground points in the system and make sure they’ve got a good connection, then add a cap to the mix.

as far as alternators go, check out i got a 150A alternator from them for 245 bucks. they can fit just about any application.