WTB: Capacitor

Looking for a used cap for my system cheap, and relatively soon.

LMK what you have, thanks.


Talk to suzukifreek. i think he had one he was willing to part with.

i got a 1 farad digital voodoo just sitting in my closet. make me an offer…

I’ll PM him, thanks!

Whats it worth?
I have no idea…
I’d like to spend 50~
I’m sick of my system just cutting out from lack of power.

a power cell will fix this, capacitor will just in a sense hide the even larger amount of draw its taking on your battery, in the long run fucking things up worse

i believe you can pick up a power cell for <$100 too, i’d look into it… I know some people on here have more info on its advantages over a cap

Can these be bought at any best buy/radio shack?

I’m sorry but, WHAT?! Do you know anything about capacitors at all or do you just speak out of your ass?

Oh god here we go again another capacitor/power cell argument.LOL

you need to make power to have power…

What do you mean?

from what I know, capacitors draw more off your battery than just the system would itself I dont know alot thats why I said some other people on here i believe know about it

Talk to yunvme666 he knows alot about that stuff.

Not at all.

100% correct.

The problem is people are buying capacitors for the wrong reason and people that don’t know anything about them are arguing the wrong points. If you want your bass to be tighter with more punch, a capacitor or power-cel is what you need. If you don’t like the way your headlights dim every time your bass hits, you need an alternator.

Capacitors do not damage anything. I really don’t know where people get this shit from. If you don’t know anything about something, don’t open your fucking mouth. The only time a capacitor can damage something is if you connect a completely discharged one without using a ‘charge’ resistor but that’s YOUR fault, not the capacitors fault.

cky89, why do you want a capacitor or power-cel?


My system hits so hard when I turn it up it just cuts out, then I need to pull out the inline fuse on the power wire and plug it back in so it will turn on again. It’s annoying as fuck, I can’t ever turn it up loud enough to hear the words, I just hear a little bass :frowning:

Sounds like you need to adjust your bass boost / gain controlls on the amp, or adjust your headunit.

Stock head unit.

Turn the bass boost down on the amp there should be either a switch that says bass boost on it or a knob that says gain or maby even both. But you should adjust those till it is at a comfortable listening level or till where you want it.

A capacitor isn’t going to do anything for you. Obviously you’re over-loading the amp.

edit Who told you a capacitor would fix this?

edit2 How is your amp wired? Do you have a line-level converter or do you have high-level inputs on the amp?