Capital Ca$h for Gold LOLZ

LOVE the sarcasm, it almost sounds like you are actually serious LOL !!

yeah, you’re right… not related at all because i don’t think the problem was dave telling people their gold chains had problems when they didn’t.

cool story tho

What’s your point? My story hypothetical situation has no relevance to this.

Cool point bro.

Who fucking cares? Seriously. For someone so against arguing and the “bullshit” you really always have to get the last word or “point” in and instead of walking away and letting it go like you warn everyone else to do you always just have to twist the knife a little more, vlad.

my point was that post wasn’t necessary , but you put it there for a reason

get the last words in i don’t care. and fuck jvg too btw

I put it there so idiots don’t try to make claims and jump to conclusions that it’s referencing Daves situation.

Obviously making it bold and clearly stating it wasn’t enough. Guy asked how you can get scammed by selling and I explained.

For some reason Daves friends want to relate that to him, I still don’t know why.

where the fuck do you get those reps haha

Hahahah was wondering the same thing.

Who me?

Been here long enough.

I’ve gotten the same number of plus reps as vlad has since christmas in the last month.

#fuckyeah #dowork #hashtagsaregay

No I don’t you giant pussy. I’ve seen you struttin’ around before, your face looks like its been mashed in by something fierce.

Hows it feel to be ugly?


Shift is just too much sometimes.

OH OKAY COOOL cause it looked like what I said in my last post.


btw did u know jvg is a faggot?

:rofl srslyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Like i said if you dont like the offer walk away if you take the offer your a idiot. Its your iteam, its up TO YOU if you want to sell it. You cant really get scammed. lmao

Seriously? Do people just enjoy disagreeing with Vlad or something? Youre really claiming it’s imposdible to be scammed because it’s your choice to sell the item or not? Vlad’s example fit perfectly, in EVERY industry it’s very possible to lie to the customer in order to achieve the desired sell and in every industry it’s scamming the customer. Not thst this has anything to do with Dave’s sutuation at this point.

you have never seen me. and it feels good considering i have a pretty hot, wife of legal age, and i dont live with mommy and daddy. im doing pretty good for myself.

i guess i struck a nerve with my last statement. i was actually giving you a bit of credit by saying you finger 15 year old girls. usually, you get turned down because you are a creep.

Well you know the rule: post pics (of her) or she’s a rhinoceros.

pics have been posted before…

here she is with my 3 month old (at the time) son

She’s good looking. Lil old for my tastes :lol

HYC-1, Chris-0