Capital Ca$h for Gold LOLZ

Ya like em young cause girls are like dog shit , the older they are the harder it is to pick up .

Mature porn ftw

on a serious note, i cant believe people give vlad plus rep…


after reading the list, i happen to be on it. fuck


he screenshotted below my neg rep haha

He probably reps himself, being the administrator of an Internet forum and all.

if thats not a list of vlads nutswingers, i dont know what is.

1980’s full bush porn?

You’re on the list. How dumb are you?

no shit…

get vlads cock out of your mouth… take a breather and a second to concentrate on something other than his cock… And read my earlier post.

In that order.

reading all of your stupid posts and replies to my posts is leaving me with only one thing to do…

yup, negged.

So you insult anyone that may have given him rep, then you notice you’re on the list, then insult them again. After reading it a second time my previous question stands, how dumb are you?

he’s dumb as a fuckin rock. don’t pick on him.

How gay are you? I’ve said it before and I’m going to say it again… After reading your previous posts it sounds like you have vlads cock in your mouth.

Me fucking around with vlad does not call for you replying to all of my posts… If vlad let you ride on the back of his motorcycle, would you?

Just wanna know what type of person you are…

Shut up you mutt. Go drive around with neo on your lap in your sisters car.

He does put up some cool pics in the badass pics thread…

I fucking LOL’d hard. rep if i can.

Dave, glad to see a good outcome for ya.

until they hit mid 30s-40s then theyre hungry for cock

was going to say the same exact thing… older bitches are EAASSSYYY when there up there in age.

What in the fuck is going on in here LOL

And on a serious why do people get so worked up and/or bent out of shape over rep? LOLZ