Capital Ca$h for Gold LOLZ

Its a homo love triangle gone wrong isn’t it?

good write up I would say Dave. Good deal.

the last admition on their part is case and point why they went after you I bet.

“Rozak said the county’s sting operation, which involved sending an undercover employee into Brown’s store to sell broken jewelry by weight, had another consequence: More stores have reached out to make sure their scales are legal.”

You are known in the area I am sure… and they picked a target. That sucks for sure, and speaks to their initiatives I guess. Just glad to see their idea of making an example of you and profiting from it was not as much of a success as they wanted it to be. And the funny part, the wages and man hours spent on their side, I bet hardly covered the fine you paid out. :ROFL

oh this whole thing got reduced to a 3K fine? i agree its BS but also would not want to bother with a trial that would likely cost at least that much in legal fees.

thats how these fuckers work anyways


“We’ve gotten at least four calls,” Rozak said. “That says a lot.”

yeah they don’t want to be the next to get the shake down for a few grand.

i think the case itself is BS, but I’m still thinking there is some back story here thats not being told that explains why they singled you out in particular.


“we got 4, thats alot”


Spend a few G’s in man hours, and billable time for the officer, lawyers, etc to setup a “sting”, just to probably make it a wash when Dave pays the 3K fine… to make back $40 in scale calibration fees!


why not follow a few crackheads around Arbor Hill and bust a drug house with guns and drugs inside to seize? Or follow the thuged out homies with 28’s on their navigators at 3AM. I guess my family and the communities safety concerns should really be with pawn shops I see. Thanks Albany!

don’t you know the gumment distributes crack to keep us down?

Glad to hear everything worked out for you L4B. Amazing how elected/appointed officials and the media in general can make such a big deal out of something when in actuality it looks like they didn’t have enough evidence to hold up in court. Trying to make an example out of you and the one douche saying they were going after the full 70k and settling for 3k makes them look like a joke of an organization.

i know i am late but how do you get scamed when you bring your shit to someone to sell it? If you dont like the offer walk away lmaooo fucking bullshit. LFB Glad it worked out for you fuck the haters.

Not relating it to this but generally speaking - you can be scammed by being misinformed. Let’s say you bring your car to a dealership for a trade in. It’s worth ~$5000 in good condition. They tell you that the there is no compression and the headgasket is blown and they offer you $2000, while it may not be the case. Same goes for mechanics claiming things need repair when they don’t necessarily but the 60 year old woman who brought her car in wouldn’t know any better.

Do you have to take that offer? No. Is such practice illegal? I’m no expert but I believe so.

Completely unrelated. Thanks for another moronic post

Perfect example of wasting money by the state… That 3k Dave paid is costing tax payers probably 30k at least.

Since when was enforcing the law about making money? Police departments cost money, not the other way around.

Had nothing to do with the police department…

dont you have some adderall pills to pop and 15 year old girls to finger?

It was an example of enforcing laws and regulations. It seems they got what they wanted and you guys didn’t fare too poorly yourselves.

Dave wins, State looks like a bunch of retards again

good shit dude nice job !:tbu

Was curious what it would be like to post like you for once, you got 12,000 of those.

You’re welcome.

If for whatever the reason you want to relate a hypothetical dealer ripoff scenario to Dave, that’s your choice. Court ruled Dave is innocent by settling so I don’t see why you would.

:skid Russians.

Time to neg skidplate