Capital Region Meet

Corey Maurer is going to get best in show with the iPad dash, might as well not even show up.

im just gonna buy an award winning show car for the meet. then ill buy a 7 sec car for the track. next year ill have totally different shit. winning

This is a vehicle convention at a venue. This is not a meet in a parking lot where you’re going to be asked to leave. If you like a car meet then thats cool, however as a convention, as the title may imply, there is considerable work involved associated with expenses.
The adirondack nationals cost $60-$120 to just drive in and park. Other “conventions” are way higher in price then you see at the United Classics and Customs show. For the $10 it costs you to walk in you get more then that in return. For instance - all of the activities are free to join, such as the car rappin contest, the burn out contest, the car limbo, Fireworks, childrens activities, live music x2, a DJ’d party hall, free bikini car wash, security and a private “its only us” venue to park at, trophies etc etc etc…
The mobile dyno is an extra fee paid to the owner of the machine…
The goodies bags include a ton of information, stickers free event t-shirts etc… and vendors will be offering things you may like to purchase for your family, friends and vehicles. this is not a off the cuff car meet is some parking lot, nor just a car show, albeit a car show is one of the major components. If you have never been to a vehicle convention then its understandable you may not understand the costs involve to have a safe private event including all these things that you Cannot have at a car show or some parking lot meet.
In addition - yes a portion of the proceeds for the gate fee is going to charity. it was felt 50% of it or $5-$7.50 depending on whether you pre reg or not. The regional food bank is involved and we’ll be asking for you to bring non parishable good to donate to them. We are speaking to the RED CROSS to be on site for anyone who’s willing to give blood. This is also a family thing where you the kids and the Mrs are welcome and will want to come. We have approached the military and are working with them to have their “interesting” cars on site… There is way more going on then hey guys, ill meet you at 9pm in walmart and then we’ll get kicked out cause of some idiot and have to all pick up and travel somewhere else.
Expenses? You have no idea…renting venue, fireworks, dyno, security, t-shirts, stickers, trophies, plaques and the list goes on… I can tell you for fact, they’ll be nearly 10k involved in this operation plus Insurance, bank fees, web fees and so on.

Bash it if you want to, but understand this is no small time BS thing. We decided to do something no one else was doing and pull together in a safe and comfortable atmosphere all vehicles that people build, love and carry their pride in everyday. We appreciate what people do to their vehicles no matter how bought or built how old or new…just the fact that you love it and it yours …matters… So if you think theirs is junk, well thye might have worked their ass off and have what they can…that doent make those cars any less prided then the one someone bought done for 100k. Does it?

Dinner is a pass through…its cost us $20 per plate and that what ur paying… the cash bar (like to see one of them at a meet or car show…NOT) is also not ours, but its available for those who like it…

So in the end ask yourself…is $30 to much to get in with my car? Espescially when we’ll blow $30 on fast food tonight for supper or twice that drinking in the bar… I think not.

I encourage you to re think your view. I understand your first glance thoughts…really I do…but the benefit in safety and security alone make it worth it. The connections to the charities and other local “in need” operations will benefit from this ON TOP of making the “car scene” perhaps a little more tolerated then it is locally right now.

If you feel $30 is too much, pay $10 walk around and park in the spectator lot. NBD. Its ok…but when you see whats replied and all who’s coming from 100’s miles away I think you be sorry you and your awesome vehicle were not parked dead center in the middle of it.

Just my .02


Goodguys shows are $18 to enter $40 to reg a car (non members) for the DOS. Even if you dont enter a car, you still are going to spend $15 on a burger and fries and $5 a beer/soda.

This event would end up being $3 less per head and not be some heart attack on a plate that sends ya to the portajons faster than a TT-C6Z06!

IMO, the Capital Region Meet was/should be one event, this convention should have nothing to do with the original concept or thread. It grew aparantly as the ball began to roll, which is fine, but keeping it going under the same thread here and on FB 100% confused alot of people.

Why did ASS have to get involved anyway? Could of had a spot rented and charged $5 a head. No fireworks, dyno, catered food bullshit

This is what confused me, along with a lot of other people.

Darryl’s explanation helped. I wasn’t aware what the actual show was.

I’m not downing this show ASS is trying to put together. Please don’t take my words as that. I know the expense, and time involved in trying to put on something like this is incredible.

I have no involvement, yet. I need to get the MG done then my Camaro and hopefully the 41 too. If they are, in show shape, We will be there. If not I am walkin around at least.

But like ya said, if it were advertised at two separate events, nobody would have any of these questions IMO.

Albany Speed Shop is just a sponsor…Its not my show…but we’re in 100%…lots going on right now with it. Updates to follow soon! More then a show. Its an event!

So is this two seperate events now? What type of cars can go to the ASS sponsored one?

Wtf is going on… How many car shows is there?

Thoroughly confused now.

26, and you better be at ALL of them.

People are fucking negative nancys. I can not believe the fucking bitchers when others go out of their way to support these happenings.

Hitler was onto something . We need a good shift cleansing.

Some people just wanted an informal meet like one of the state park meets we’ve had before

you bringing the mullet mobile?

The Capital Car meets name was changed by Alec Stanners and Mike Freidmen to United Classis’s and Customs Vehicle convention. They wanted something bigger and different. They came to me and asked for my help and support.
So now you have a convention with a venue, sponsors, activities and the like.

Idk who did the OP, but someone should change the name.

One show had a name change: People wanted more + security + no throw outs + no BS + more more more

So Mike Alec the crew and I decided to go well beyond anything anyone else is doing locally… hence the UCC convention.

Hope that helps…


Wouldnt be caught dead in it… belongs to be driven by some colonie guito with gold chains and big watches.

Lol love u.

so you can’t have both?