yea but he doesnt wana camio for good reason lol n hes already got a brandy new focus…so thats already done. their is zero diofference between drivining a 5.0 and gt 500 daily. plus this is adam, he dov his mach1 wuth fucking dragradials thru the snow so you dont know what your getting into sbarsilly! a z06 as a daily, meh not so much but why not lol. cant be worse then the mch on on DR’s in a snow/sleet storm
bottom line, you can drive anything daily…a n y t h i n g…its all personal preference, how anal you are and what you do and dont care about, look at my dumbass i have 10+ yr old dumpy fireburd and camio, which can be driven year round, but they dont see rain let alone hose water!
if it “not a good daily” adam will prove us all so wrong:rofl