Car dealership/s are comprised of much faggotry(Rant)/Still bought from dealer

It’s official ******, dp in, papers signed, car is sold! Should be picking it up weds

And of course its a daily, faggots :rofl

Not changing your username…

Why would I? Not like I don’t still have the clapped out drag wagon lol.

confrats kid , now i have 2 white mustangs to lose to lololone from a dig and another from a roll … greattttttttttttt

Haha thanks bro. I think roll wise it would be a good race, from a dig its all over for me tho lol.

how’d the trade in work out for you?

Congrats dude! Id love to pick up a nice daily like that a park my charger for most of the time.

Wednesdays gonna be a longgggggg wait.

Not exactly where I wanted to be, but I feel it was reasonable. Got them up another $1500 or so, so can’t complain!

thanks bud, and yeah, its gonna take forever to hit weds lol

Traction mods for next winter?

Push TC button and drive.

/traction mods :lol

you doin the fake cams mod?

Idk lol, sounds good, but I wanna see if there are any long term issues with that tune.

I’ll tune it

congrats! I cant wait to put a new 5.0 in my rear view after all this LS1 vs 5.0 hype!!!

Its more like LS3 vs 5.0 hype. But yeah, a stock GT will be the new benchmark race.

Now he has absolutely no motivation to finish the 94…

I think nits both.

The ls3 in the C6 blows the 5.0’s doors off. No denying that.

the ls3 in a 5th gen SS is a drivers race.

def can not compare a ls1 to new 5.0 lol its like comparing a stock lt1 to a ls1, it just makes no sense and i am not being a hater john!