Car dealership/s are comprised of much faggotry(Rant)/Still bought from dealer

I would sure hope your car will beat it!!

I think hes going to take it for a spin too. :rofl

nice should be a fun daily!

Fuck that, I’m having em store it in their warehouse till I pick it up so you hooligans can’t touch it :lol

Man this thing blows 3rd no problem. :rofl

orange has no wharehouse , im gonna go take a spin to i think . esp seein as i gotta be down there mon morn

By warehouse I meant inside, sorry lol. And deposit goes on it in the am, so no test drives :stuck_out_tongue:

fuck offffffffffffff

i wanna drive one anyway , i kinda like em . i saw one today up close and personal at work and man they are sessssyyyy

Metro has one they’ll let ya test drive, ask for the idiot MJ and hell give ya the keys lolol. Tell him u wanna buy it cash

maybe i missed it, but where are you picking up the new 5.0 from? did you get a better price through the internet?

From Orange Ford actually lol

I’m bout to go down there and see this thing, my bank will have a loan ready today. If it’s real nice I might just pick it up.

Someone put a deposit on the first Fit that Lia Honda had years ago, so they wouldnt let me drive it. They did however let me play around in it.


I ate egg salad last night… I wasn’t planning on eating eggs this morning but I will just to make my farts smell even worse. If
I go down there and fart in it, they might have to detail a brand new car.

Yeah I’m gonna head down at 9.

can’t wait to see it bro, make sure bring it by the house after you get it!!!


" hey guys, all i have is the Ed Hardy shirt worn by my friend Pauly, but its worth like $150 without the man stains and like $275 with. so ill give this to you as a down payment and you put it under lock and key for me until i can find a way to fund this thing. cool? "


Soo I take it you are not rocking a 2011 Mustang 5.0 as a daily? Is that what im getting out of this thread?

Doesn’t surprise me considering you used to do donuts in 3 inches of snow in the Mach 1 in P/C parking lot :rofl:rofl