Car dealership/s are comprised of much faggotry(Rant)/Still bought from dealer

try somewhere else.

what about getting one out of state? are the prices a little down south or anything?

Well to be honest I plan on keeping the thing for quite some time, at least 5yrs or so, so I wouldnt be too worried about the depreciation. But yeah, I hear ya.

Do what now.

LOLLLL! smart man!

I should seriously go and ask for the 2011 16k focus since im seriously in the market for a compact.

Lets go pretend we’re gonna buy a Focus.

Maybe you should just keep your focus on your current focus. Oh, and focus more on getting that Stang together.

We should all go in and demand a 16K Focus from every salesman except Steve “Ass Bat” Davis.

he wont , he is scared of the ltwonnnn

A profit of $1000 on a $16000 car is just a tad over a 6% profit. No dealer could survive off that after paying shipping fees on that car as well as facility fees and the pay to the salesman for selling it. Most businesses if they don’t profit atleast 15% will leave in the face of someone trying to finagle the like that

come buy a car from me… i’ll give ya REAL MONEY!

Ill sell ya mine for a good deal, for reals!



this ^^

Dead. Youz dead :lol

im glad ya can admit it

My rear wheels will click off the 60’ timer before your fronts do nucka!! :rofl

ya say that now , im bettin i get my wheels airborn before u though lol

Hey, anything is possible. I do want to scrape the fuck out of the bumper in a bad way though lol.

i just wanna do it once lolol , ims sure im gonna shit myself if i do lol

sales, parts and service are separate parts of dealerships with little connection.

99% of the time whoever you are talking to at a dealership is just a puppet though

Why anybody would ever pay above sticker price is beyond me.

How much does a Focus cost these days anyway? I cant see paying $15k for a used one. Isnt a new one only around $20k?

impossible. His wheels have been air born for 2 years now.

yeah , but its all 4 though so i can still get it