Car Detailing..

Hello All,

Anyone here know anything about the Auto Detailing Salon in the Underground Parking Lot at Pacific Mall (Kennedy & Steeles)?

Tell me about your experience with them. (Price, Quality, Service, etc.) Do I have to speak fluent chinese to have to communicate with them?

Also, what places can you recommend for Auto Detailing. A best bang for buck, quality type of generalization.

Just inquiring. Let me know.

Premier offers detailling… BMWWWWWWWW is on the board…

I’ve heard of people using Pacific Mall’s detailing service; it’s ok, gets you free parking during the busy days and they speak english.

i don’t think i would trust anything from pac mall. for all you know they could be using fake water and fake soap to wash your car.

LOL, funny but could be true HAH

I guess i’ll wait for a 4/5 feedback before trying PMall Detailing service.

Also, i’m pretty new to the detailing scene. What would be the cost & wait time generally? Also, care instructions after detailing is done?

I guess if I ever have to get to Pacific Mall and buy something and the parking is rammed on a weekend, i’ll just take my car to the detailing shop and park there. But, that would just be a waste of money if my car doesn’t need any detailing. Also, majority of the stuff at that mall is a rip off, and you can get cheaper anywhere else.

Except ofcourse for, Movies! (DVD-R’s, etc)

In all honesty, if you are going to bring it to a volume shop, I’d tell you to save your money, and just buy the equipment and products to do it yourself. That way, you can ensure workmanship and quality; awhile avoiding headaches and hassles in the future.

Those underground shops focus on volume, and their workmanship definitely won’t match that of dedicated detailers. I don’t think that Chris ever books more than 2 cars a day–this is so we can focus and ensure perfection for each car. Our work speaks for itself, and by the end of this weekend, we’ll have someone on TNC to vouch for us! :R

To educate yourself on detailing, please sign up on, everything you will ever need to know about detailing is in that database. Search up any question, you’ll definitely find yourself the answer. Be acquainted with the horror-stories and tactics that some ‘detail-shops’ use, and you’ll save money in the long run! :R

^ much thanks bmwww, for the advice.

i shall sign up soon