Car got broken into, Please keep an eye out for the following item (rochester)

I know it is a long shot with you guys mostly based in Buffalo, but every little bit helps.

I went down to Dino BBQ tonight for dinner, and when I came out my passenger window was smashed and they had taken my GPS and my Access Port (way more important than my GPS)

If anyone sees and AP-SUB-003 SN: 1310001827. Please call me, this is married to my PCM and they even left the dongle behind.
5 8 5 4 1 4 1 4 1 6

We thing we actually saw the guy, he was white mid 40s and on an red/white mountain bike. My GF was scared to death as this guy road his bike up the ramp, and hid in the corner watching me call the police. As soon as my buddy was rolling up the ramp, the guy left quick, as the cops were right behind my buddy.

The RPD officer that responded was absolutely excellent. He even went out to look for the suspect when we saw him ride back by on his bike. But he could not find him…

SO please if anyone can keep an eye out for this access port I would really really appreciate it. It is not covered under my insurance and paying that much again is going to suck big time.



ill be on the lookout, see these threads every year, baffles me that people leave things of value in thier car in toilet bowl places like buffalo and the falls.

All my stuff was in my center console, I never leave anything visible.

Hell the dumb mother fucker left the satellite radio, right in the fucking cuby hole but ripped out the wires for it…

whats an access port? it sounds familiar.

---------- Post added at 10:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:50 PM ----------

nevermind… i remember now.

sorry to hear.

---------- Post added at 10:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 PM ----------

nevermind… i remember now.

sorry to hear.

damn, hopefully you find it! its useless to him anyways because it’s married to your ecu.

i always keep my AP locked in the glovebox in case I need to get gas but can’t find 93 octane…

Someone probably thought it was an MP3 player. Probably tossed it after they realized it wasn’t unfortunately :frowning:

Hopefully the stuff turns up. Having shit stolen really fucking sucks.

That is not what I meant, and I sorry I put that line in.

After just being robbed and having my GF shaking in fear and the guy coming up the ramp going car to car looking for more items to steal, then proceeding to hide in the corner of the garage and watch us, I felt extremely vulnerable with just a pocket knife. No a side arm would not make me feel like super man or some kind of bad ass. However It would have made me feel slightly less vulnerable.

Last night I did what I had previously learned.
I moved her and I behind my car, as to put some kind of obstacle between us and also moved us closer to the exit so we could make a retreat ASAP. I would have done this same thing if I had been carrying or naked for that matter.

I might have made out better had I been naked, as no one wants to fight a naked guy.

i’ll keep an eye out on ebay and nasioc for you. hopefully it turns up because i’m sure you do NOT want to spend another 650 dollars… not to mention go through the trouble to unmarry it from your ecu without having the AP