car insurance / property damage question

you have a car, its insured

your paperwork states you have $25000 worth of property damage coverage

you plow into a $100,000 car while driving, its all your fault, police and ins reports are filed

does your insurance cover all or $25k worth of the 100k car ?

… posting to answer a debate, thats all …

Property Damage Liability
Property Damage protects you when you are legally liable for damage to property of others caused by your vehicle. This not only includes damage to others’ vehicles, but also objects such as buildings, signs or trees. In the event of a multiple vehicle accident, you could be responsible for compensating several other car owners.

From my car insurance policy. So I’m guessing your insurance covers 25k and then you’re liable for the rest.

AKA, tell who ever pulled that number off their policy they don’t have enough coverage. :slight_smile:

They will only cover 25K.

Gotta love state Minimums…

Better up that coverage… I’m at 500K/250K/500K

I’m only at 100K :frowning: after I graduate I’ll bump it up though!

Wouldn’t it also be covered by the owner of the $100k car? I mean, thats what he has insurance for also. I would think your insurance would cover the first 25k and his the remainder. And then our premium would increase while his didn’t.

No fault state. Everyone pays for their own?

Only 25k is covered. you are liable for the remainder of the balance…

LOL u plan on Ramming my Z

that does not make sence…

its not your fault, your company will NOT pay a dime…

he is respons. for (total)-25K

AFAIK, his insurance will cover all costs, then go after the person who casued the damage insurance. that persons company will pay the 25k then the original company will sue for the rest (and prolly more)

IBjoe or testicle

When testicle gets here I’d like to see his opinion of what we should be carrying for coverage.

it doesnt cost THAT much more to up your $$ coverage… i think going from like 100k to 750k was like an extra 18 bux every 6 months. in this day an age with the legal system the way it is… its good insurance… haha get it… ugh i stink

I think most max out at 1mil/500K… and in this day/age; that’s not a bad thing… I figured I’m a home owner; they say at least have 300/100 then…

What the fuck shit ass state would allow someone to have liability coverage of $25k.

No you will get covered by your policy and the insurance company will go after the owner for the difference. Thats why you carry good insurance. Reality is, they won’t get much out of some deadbeat driving around with shit ass bare minimum insurance anyway.

What the eff sense would it be to have a policy that was going to leave you with huge holes like that? If you are driving a $100k car and cheaping out on insurance you deserve it.

agreed… :tup:

interested to see the outcome based on a no-fault state like NY.

State minimums FTL. Especially in the world of SUVs which average more then $25k pretty easily.

IIRC i bumped out policy to $100k a few years ago. Price difference was negligible.

As far as homeowners, we are mildly overinsured. And fucking glad for it.

The no fault part is ONLY associated with PIP. Personal Injury Protection. If the person in the the vehicle you hit was injured, their insurance would cover their health care, lost wages… Then, when they are healed, most likely their insurance would come after your insurance to recover some or all of their costs. “No Fault” has nothing to do with property damage.

You may be liable to cover the costs not covered by your insurance.

Good luck though if this happened to you. Talk to your insurance agent and he/she will probably be able to explain it more completly. And increase your coverages while you’re there.

How can they come after my insurance at all for medical, wages etc if its no fault? Sounds like a meaningless term if thats the case.