Car no start

Turn the key and nothing happens. The starter doesn’t click.

This happened all of a sudden too because it was working and running just fine, then 2 hours later, I goto start it and nothing.

Someone suggested that the ignition is fried. How do I check that?
I’m going to try to install another starter and see what happens.

IF you guys have any clues or tips to help me trouble shoot, please let my know.


are the lights and whatnot coming on? Maybe hte battery got disconnected by accident.

Lights are fine. Battery is fine.

check fuses too?

check the simple stuff first

Hey man.

Check the fuses for sure inside and under the hood and that the battery terminals are tighten down properly.

If that is all good, check your relays, plugs and wires and your dist cap. If any water gets in it will screw things up.

After all of that it may be a problem with your starter and you’ll have to replace it.

Just remember when trouble shooting to do one thing at a time.

Good luck brother.

Easy 8)