Car pulls to the right... slightly.

My OCD self, this is driving me nutty.

It’s on my 07 RDX.

I’ve had:

All four wheels re-balanced.
Tires rotated.
Air pressure is spot on.
Alignment was done 3 months ago.

ONLY thing left I can think of is the tires are somehow worn incorrectly or cupped. I refuse to buy 4 new tires as well because these still have an easy 10kmi left in them.

Also, its worse on certain roads. I realize that the road crowns in some spots but it doesn’t happen on other cars I drive. Maybe a bad suspension bushing? Car has 52kmi

The pull isnt terrible… but it’s enough to throw a flag to my OCD.

Take it to the dealership with dat real estate money and make em fix the shit

steering rack bushing, hit a bad enough bump to throw the alignment off just slightly, did they give you a print out of the alignment spec sheet when you had it done? where did you have it aligned?

Yea, it’s at the house. I can post it later if that helps. Was aligned over here in East Greenbush at Chuck Scott Auto.

are the tired directional? if not you can switch sides. if nothing changes, you know its not the tires

idk about that shop so i wont comment on them but i have always brought my stuff to watkins spring in albany, and even with the lift on my jeep im dead on factory specs, i would say look up the alignment specs for your vehicle, tor and camber are obviously the most important, caster will affect how easy the wheel turns/the vehicles ability to return the wheel straight without any manipulation, theres so many factors with an alignment its hard to tell without driving it or being able to look at the vehicle to inspect for worn parts

+1 Watkins Spring was great with my TL.

Does the RDX have the “front compliance bushings” like a TL or Tsx? They are on the front lower control arm, and on TL are know to crack and make the steering sloppy, mainly on later 06+ models in that case.

it could be the tie rod. when you did alignment it could of messed it up. or a bush on the tie rod

another thing is the caliper sticking on that side?

if your caster/camber is off side to side it will do this too. i always want a print out of my alignment.

maybe a bent control arm?

too many possibilities and i cant see or touch the car. so those are my guesses

I will attach the alignment sheet later today. thx guys

Cross Rotate ur tires again. See if it changes. Go from there

way out of my realm of expertise.

How long has it been doing this?

didnt wanna bug u with trivial BS!!

could be like the BMW we had come in. “everytime I hit the brakes it wants to drive into the ditch. It all started after i got control arms replaced”

Put it on the lift, 2 out of ther 3 bolts that hold the lower balljoint on the control arm were MIA and the only one holding the front suspension tegether was backing out!

Probably not the case, but I felt the need to share a story. :rofl

thats scary lol, shit like that is also the reason i check torque on the uca’s every oil change, another potential cause of the pull could be over or under-torqued hardware if you have had anything replaced in the front suspension or if something was torqued on a lift, not sitting on the ground (pre load on bushings wears them out faster).

Switch the front tires side to side , if it pulls the other way or goes straight it’s in the tire !

enter a polish oval race. PROFIT!

how come nobody is asking how its pulling?

under braking?
under acceleration?
under engine deceleration?
In nutral no load decel?

FFS it could be something wacky with the differentials for all we know. Need more troubleshooting.

These two at least.

Have Wayneo look at the compliance bushings in the front lower arm. Bet one is cracked. Whats the mileage?