ithink my maf is messed up my car shut off on me today, when i was driving, i got home started checking everything , i stoped getting fuel so i started checking fuses so i found a 7.5amp fuse that was bad under the hood, car is a 95 240 witha redtop.
i changed the fuse and started getting fuel ( i had the rail off the injectors werent spraying at first but after changing the fuse they started spraying.)
Then i started the car and it ran like shitt, so i disconected the maf ran much better. took the mafsensor off and sprayed it with some throttle body cleaner let it dry up, and also i rewired just incase the connection may have been bad, first time i messed up the wiring. pluged the maf back up ran like crap and pulled the plug out like right away, then i wired it correctly and it still ran like shit witht the maf sensor connected. im pritty sure the maf is bad but i would like some imput because it could be something else.
i re wired again, i noticed i had the signal wire the white 1 from the maf wired to the ground, and ground wire to signal so now when the maf i runs fine on idle but when i drive it starts to mess up and stuff. and the idle is still worse than it is when the maf is disconnected. it has a little miss. o yea and everything esle is arlight because when i was diagnosing i checked everything spark plugs coils, compression.
after re wiring the maf i just drove the car right now it runns but maf not working properly, it bacfires after a little while, like while im on the gas.
i had put a 10amp fuse where the 7.5 had blown and noticed that my battery kept getting drained then i found a7.5 fuse and put it in and they keep blowing. maybe a short somewhere i checked my wiring it was ok , could it be a relay. im starting to think that it wasnt the maf after all.
alright now i took care of the shortage that was blowing the fuse, the fuse has something to do with the fuel , it cuts off the injectors if it is out. i dont no what fuse it is because the covers diagram is old and worn out. alright so sinse i got that fixed i drove tha car again, and still it backfires and as soon as i press the pedle over 25% it starts to like miss and backfires liek loud gunshot loud. sounds cool but its a problem. so guys and girls please inputttttt. need the car its my daily driver
wow looks like u solved it all yourself. what a champ. good work
funny how that works, start explaneing a problem to someone and then u relise what it is and then you can try somthing else to fix it… happens to me all the time.
i solved part of it but it still hesitates when going 25%+ on the throttle and backfires loud, some drunk guy in my area thought i was doing it on purpose old guy, he started yelling at me lol i couldnt understand anything he was saying, then he was like im gonna put you in jail so i started laughing and he got more pissed so then i was just like uno what get the fuck off of my property. 2 other guys came and took him and they where like just say sorry i was like for what trying to fix my car.
i dont think that the de maf works with the sr. im pretty sure that you need a sohc maf. i had a problem with my maf, before i got a plug for it. the wires kept falling off, and sometimes it would idle fine, but when i hit the gas it be really shaky like a huge air leak. just kept switching wires till it ran ok.
yeah almost the same thing happend to me yesterday, i was standing there waiting for matt to come, and when he arived he dicided to do a little brake torque coming up my driveway so the ppl across the street come out and say u know theres kids in the area? he replys with sorry i dident see any in his driveway in the pouring down rain, then they say do you know the by laws on how loud a car is? and he replys again yeah i get tickets for them all the time. needless to say they were shocked and went inside and when the guy who lives beside me came in in his loud shitfire i ran out and said “do you know the bylaws on how loud a car shoud be?” he just started laughing and said what are you fucked? i thought it was funny i guess you had to be there… i love nabors
lol yea man people are crazy im pritty sure i see a few cars once in a hwile infront of his house mustangs a bunch of reffs with them and he seems cool with them. but the back fire from my car scared the shit out him he came running i oculdnt keep a straight face it was halarious.
my plug for the maf is messed up the wire that sends a signal to the ecu is messed up it had a cut in it when i pulled on it alittle ir broke. so i decided to wire it direct, by poping the cover ontop of the maf. didnt back fire any more still strugled as i pressed the throttle but not as much, actually hit 10 psi unlike before whre it wouldnt go past 5 because it struggled so badly.
alright i got a mass air flow sensor for a sr installed it and now the car rus much better, for 1 run it bogged when i hit ilke 12 psi, and then when i went again itstarted bogging at like 5 psi again. give me some suggestions guys ive been trying to fix this for a while its starting to piss me off now.
when the 7.5amp fuse blew in the start of all this mess, i had a drain and every time id replace the fuse it would blow, so then i pulled the main relay for the computer out and put it back in the drain went away, do u guys think the relay is messed up. i dont think its my wiring any more i soldered teh wires this time.
im gonna try changing the relay i dont even hear it click or anything, maybe when i drive and it prolly messes up, because when its in idle everything works perfect now the relay must be cutting off the maf power or something. ive checked everything else.
still no luck, i swapped the fuel pump with me dohc fuel pump same thing so swaped my warlbro back in, i tried changing my fpr with another 1 i had same thing still happens, i think the ka24e maf i baught is messed up aswell because i even tried wiring with a new wire from the ecu but still did the same thing. the ka24e maf works great on idle but 1ns i got like more then 25% throttle it messes up. i also took my bumper off and checked my intercooler properly tightened the clamps even more.
guys hellppp meee out some 1 let me use there working maf to see if the 1 i have really is messed up.