car refuses to start after maf shook of cai while running

so i was outside today trying to boot up the laptop to make another attempt at running the lc-1 wideband

i had forgoten to tighten the clamp on the MAF cause its been on and off a few times the last few days, and it shook loose and fell 2 inches onto the wheel sheild … car backfired and died

just thinking that the car didnt feel like running, i tried to restart … no dice … just another backfire

after discovering the maff was off, i reinstalled and tightened it … wont start

so i pulled the plugs, cleaned them off and tried again … this time the car would just barely fire for me … as long as i had the throttle 1/2 open and the starter engaged it would putter along , but thats it

pulled the plugs again … once again coated in carbon and fuel … died them out and used a blowgun to air out the cylinders, checked for proper spark from both coils, checked for fuel pressure , triple check all the sensors

nothings apparently wrong! i have everything i need for the car to start

any suggestions ?

Replace the MAF… those things are fragile, and it probably broke when it fell off.


What they said.

Make sure all of the connections at the MAF are tight first. It would be a shame to spend a couple hundred bucks on a new MAF if it was just a connection that pulled loose during the shaking/falling/impact.

Yeah, but the car should still start and idle with a bad or no MAF. My car will run and drive up to 3000 rpm with out a MAF.

Test the MAF. Hook up the ground, and power. Hook up a voltmeter to the return and a ground. Use your mouth and blow through the MAF, you should get tsome readings.

all the maf did was slip off the pipe and land against the plastic sheild that hangs off the drivers side frame

it didnt even fall off all the way either … it just kinda stuck between the sheild and the pipe … i just was under the car and seriously the fall was about and inch, i cant even get 2 fingers into the space between the 2 pieces

i cant beleive thats nearly enough of a fall to ruin a maf … especialy because ive seen cars plow into gaurd rails at 70mph and still fire up

triple checked the plug, its in tight

so will this one, as in the course of the project ive started it twice because i forgot that the maf was in the garage / on the computer desk

safc shows that the maf is taking readings … 3hz when the key is on, up to 120 hz or more while cranking (maf is karmen type)

Was the car running right until the MAF fell off? It almost seems like just coincidence that the car is not running after the MAF fell a whole 2 inches. It sorta sounds like the plug wires got shuffled out of order or something like that.

it was running shitty, but only because its a turbo project w. dsm blue tops / adj FPR, a 255 pump and an safc2

i had earlier pulled the battery cable which reset the fuel maps on the ecu, so it was gonna run bad till the ecu maxed out its fuel map to the limit of its adjustment, which would have put the fuel ratio back to “acceptable”

a few pulls down the street would have taken care of that pretty quick , but before i could do that this happened

check O2s

Reset your ECU.


reset it.

It ran without… learned… now with it again, it has to relearn… but it has to be wiped out like NO

apparently 4 plug cleanings werent eneough … it needed a 5th time …

now i can adjust the fpr to where i want it, fire up the wideband and fiddle with the safc so it runs nice down the street… again … w/o boost for the moment

Yeah, can you take that out of your sig? it looks like your advertising.

thats why its funny :slight_smile:

i was gonna turn it into an animated gif if i can find that pic of the clown in the red honda with his hat sideways driving like his car is the shit

make him saying “bltsi made my stock honda run run 10 sec 1/4 mile times yo !”

im not about to go tune anyones car … anyone that isnt willing to spend the money to have inn-tune do their tuning shouldnt be modding thier car anyways

Umm, that’s why I don’t want it there… cause it looks like you are advertising…

not fair for advertisers

owned! :smiley:

anyone who thought that was serious should DIAF.