car rust/paint question

hey guys, my s14 has rust on both rear quarters as well as a spot under the driver’s side door…I was planning to have the car painted this month…was not expecting the snow to fall so soon haha…now what i’d like to know, based on experience is…is it ok if i wait a month or two to paint the car? like if i do weekly water sprays of the fenders and underbody to get rid of the salt…

also I plan to get the car rustproofed at krown soon, possibly next week, the only thing is that under the driver’s side rocker, there is rust there…it’s not a hole but there is a line of rust about as thick as my thumb and as long as my hand…I plan to have this cut out and weld in new metal from the inside, but was planning to do so after the car is painted…is it ok to just go ahead and rustproof this area? as it is part of the underbody…

So let me get this straight. You want to paint the car, and THEN do the bodywork…I think you’ve got it backwards.

Get the bodywork done first.

You want to have the rust fixed after the car is painted?

oh nonon, sorry for the confusion haha…the “rust” that i meant to fix after painting was the UNDERBODY part…there is a small rust spot UNDER the driver’s side area…UNDER the car…I wanted to have that cut out and weld in a new metal AFTER painting the car since the rear quarter rust on both rear fenders is alot bigger…so would it be ok if i wait a monther or two before painting the car/fixing the rear quarter rust? or do i have to repaint/fix the rear quarter rust right away to prevent it from getting worse?..

and about the rustproofing…since there is that spot of rust UNDER the car…if i rust proof the underbody over that rust, would it be ok? or would that rust get alot worse throughout the winter?

To answer both your questions… rust proofing over top rust is pointless. the corrosion is still happening under that rust proof. rust proof after you weld in your patches. it will not stop or slow down the rust if you do it over top…

also for your 1/4’s if you leave them they may get worse. if there not holes they very well might be at the end of winter.

cut it all out now. before it gets any worse. save ur self time n money.

What I would do is let it get a little worse through winter, and do it all in the spring.

If you do it now, the new metal will be exposed to the salt anyway.

well if i do it now, the metal will be covered by the paint…
so if i wait…should i just not undercoat? or undercoat it to protect the rest of the under body? which(besides that spot of rust) is mint…

also…what if i was to just repair the rust now(rear quarters as well as under the driver’s side)…weld the new metal in, spray it with tremclad or something to protect it…then repaint the car in the spring? if i do go this route I was planning to sell my spare parts and purchase a kouki front end slowly…

anyone on this board reputable on doing rocker panels on s14s?..the rust spot is UNDER the driver’s side rocker panel(about two inches from the edge of the underside of the rocker panel…so it’s fully under the car)…i think that is where the sunroof’s drain tube is routed?

Fix it now and store it.

haha nah i cant store it, I need it to go to work and school…and there’s no garage space at my parents’ house.

but would it be ok to fix the rust, cover it up with some paint, like tremclad or something…and drive it through the winter? repaint in the spring with a kouki front end?

Don’t bother. Just drive it.

bring it to my shop

well my main concern is the rust getting worse…think it’d be better if i just drove it through this winter and deal with it all in spring? how about rustproofing the underbody? should i spray that to protect the rest of the underbody? as i said, besides that one spot under the driver’s side, the underbody is mint…only other rust would be some rusted nuts or bolts here n there…

I asked a body shop guy the same question, and he told me that rust doesn’t form suddenly. If you have rust, it’s been brewin’ for a while, so waiting until after winter won’t make a huge difference. Also, Krown states that using their rustproofing stops already exisiting rust from spreading by 85%, or at least that’s what I was told…

ah ok, yea I pretty much figured that i’ll wait until after winter, and slowly piece together kouki front end pieces and do it all at once…I"m gonna give krown a call n see if i can go in on friday.

I don’t see the harm in getting it sprayed, key is to preserve the good parts of the car now and slow down the existing rust until you can get it fixed in the spring.

Again why not oil spray the car to preserve the good parts of the car and prevent any further rusting until you get into a bodyshop for rust repair/paint.

yea i’m gonna be doing the oil spraying…anyone know a shop that has replaced the rad support? I need to replace my rad support since my current s14 has damage on it…the centre headlight bracket support, part that holds the horn, and the latch that holds the hood is damaged…so lookin to replace the rad support…