Car Spotted Thread

spotted a grey R32 on Bonshaw makin a right onto Yonge, dude was rippin it

That be me gawking at your hotness.

think we were both fighting for free parking space that day ? lol
I’ll stop and say hi next time, didn’t know you were on the forums.

I don’t think this guy is on the boards. There is a lot of people I know and have met that arn’t on the boards…
I dunno


Not rice, just fast. A wing has a purpose. It generates significant downforce at speeds above 60mph if properly designed with a good profile design, plates, proper angle of attack, stand height, etc… Ebay wings are rice.

FYI the stripes come stock from factory.


I can’t seem to edit my posts wth… and i messed up posting twice argh:

Wing on viper, i’d leave it alone and let it be.

come on, breakin my balls here…

I dunno boys, I think that looks dirty

I love that colour scheme,more picks lol

I’ve only driven a standard 2003 srt… these cars are awesome and the sound of the v10 is baller. Lol everyone stared when i drove it around… exotic cars do that to you :smiley: They are actually not that expensive when used… just I could never afford the insurance…

The dream viper:


This thing is balling fast. I hope to one day see some rich punk on track with one of these heh.

I’ve seen a pretty slick viper a while back with some 355 michelin pilot sports out in the back… and a nice big wing :slight_smile: I am going to assume the guy tracks it heh. I wish I’d have a chance to drive THAT viper… these things are beasts for a reason.

Sick wallpaper:

FYI this car beat the zr1 and r35 gtr nurburgring records. The zr1 also was struggling and very wild and out of control while this car was very smooth like the gtr, but much much faster :slight_smile: Out of the three I’d definetely go for this sucker :smiley:

Way to go off topic, you nub… And you wonder why people are pissed off at you… You go rambling on about your dream car, STFU, no one cares.

People asked for some pix :slight_smile: Here you go. Open your eyes, look at your hands, lift your hand up, now as quickly as possible perform the task of moving your hand in your faces direction. Now hit and repeat very quickly. After a few minutes please come back.

Thank you, have a nice day :slight_smile:

concord grey S14 turbo in downtown hespler yesterday

green lane and 2nd consession today i was waiting at the light and some guy in a van gave me the thumbs of and looked like he said son240… no joke lol

who the hell were you?

Wasn’t me, but my mom saw a white 180SX with a gray-ish hatch in Ajax sometime today around 4-5pm. I’m saying its Jesse (OneEightZero), but I’m not too sure about the gray hatch.

Was it orange and black? If so than I believe the owner tracks his GT3 RS more often then the viper.

black zenki s14 at a red light on derry and 9th line you looked at me when i pointed at your car

black zenki s14 at a red light on derry and 9th line around 630 you looked at me when i pointed at your car i was in a dark blue s13