Car starter Trunk button

A little backstory: For xmas, I got a gift certificate to Zeibart for a car starter install. Today I got enough free time to have them install it. They got it all done, called me and tried to sell me a whole mess of useless shit.

Anyway, they told me when I picked it up that they couldnt get the trunk button to work, because there is no button in the car to open the trunk. The car (97 Buick century) came with a key fob that has lock/unlock and trunk buttons. But still they said the couldnt get the trunk button on the new remotes to work.

So here’s my question, is there anyway to get the trunk button on the car starter remote (UsaPro model# RS623RN2) to work?


Are there other car starter systems that can interface properly and have all 5 working buttons?

They just suck, that is all. If you had a working trunk release from the factory all they would have to do is tap into that wire, even if they had to follow it back to the trunk itself. But here is the info on the trunk release: Black/White (+) Switch or Brown Passenger’s Relay behind Glove.

They just plain out suck, I worked for Ziebart YEARS ago for about 2 weeks and quit. Their quality of installers is questionable and their volume mentality sucks. I would call them and complain and tell them to do it right.

Did you pay for them to hook up the trunk release? If it has a electric release already it should be real easy to tap into.

mike, tell them its bullshit and your not taking the car back until its working.

It was a gift certificate so I dont know what was paid for. I was really uncomfortable at the shop, it was in a ghetto area and every worker there looked really shady.

I just called their Transit rd location, and was told the installer was their “lead installer with 15 years in the company”. Which I find hard to believe since he looked about 25.

Anyway, I have an appt on friday to go to the Transit rd shop and have this same guy get it working…We’ll see how that goes.

By the way, they are full of shit and like to lie too! They still owe me like $200 for like 8 years ago! lol!!! I worked at their Walden Avenue location when it was there.

Seriously, they are dogging you, that is some sick bullshit. Tell them you called another shop and they said they could most definitely install the trunk release and it is seriously a 1 wire hook up!

As stated above, they should be able to get it working if it was paid for. At most all they have to do is wire in a relay since the output of the remote start is probably only a neg. output. Shouldn’t be more than $30 on top of the basic install price (which may have been paid for)


also, trunk release is extra, did the person who brought the GC pay for trunk pop?? alot of ppl dont and just pay for a bare bones car starter. And WTF is a usa pro??? never even heard of that brand

Thats where i got one installed in my tbird. They hooked it up but failed to disable the ford security system so i needed to unlock the doors in order for the car to start. I took it back and they wanted to charge me. I told them politely to take it out of my car, that got them to fix it.

its also sold under the name accele. In-house basic brand.

I have no idea what the person paid for on the gift certificate,but I’ll find out before I go in on friday. At this point I’d rather just have the thing taken out. But since they used T-taps on all the wires, I’m nervous about what will happen if the wires arent shrink-wrapped at the junction point.

I really wish I could’ve just gotten the $$$ to get it installed somewhere like Rainbow.