first of all im not sure if im posting in the right spot… if im not im sorry!
my girlfriend has a scion tc 5spd and i want to put a remote car starter in it, where is a good place to go to get a inexpensive one? Kustom Workz? should i trust their work? i had a bad experience with them regarding tint… didnt know if they did a better job on remote starters!
thanks in advance for all help/input
remote start + 5 spd. = illegal. I dont think its going to be easy trying to find a shop to do it.
Its not illegal, they make systems made for standard tranny vehicles.
I can do them, but remote start install on a manual tranny vehicle doesnt = cheap no matter where you go.
Its def not illegal and its easy to do send me a pm i can get you a compustar 3000ft of range with keyless installed for like 180 bucks
compustar has one… i had it on 2 of my cars
BDR5oh is the man to go to.
hmmm, always thought they were illegal, good to know.
how do they work?
not 100% positive, since i havent seen the kit myself, but it’s 1 of 2 ways.
Magnetic reed switch, when the cars in neutral, it enables a switch telling the system it’s safe to start. But when you move it out of neutral, and away from the other magnetic part, it no longer can start the car.
2nd way is some kind of special way you have to turn the car off. Like let it idle for a minute first with the clutch not pressed in, then when you turn it off and lock the door, the system knows (or at least thinks) it’s in neutral and allows it to start.
premier car audio ftw
i have one in my audi. when you stop your car, pull the e-brake, leave in neutral and bam the car will stay running until you close all the doors then it will turn off. but if you go in your car opening a door you will have to reset it by turning the car back on and and ebrake and such.
the whole system works off the ebrake switch
if wired correctly, you could use a mercury switch (hood pin switch). when hookin up the nutural safety toggle switch insteading of grounding to like the frame but to the switch… it will not allow the car to start if angled slightly. I did this in my old gts to see if it worked well and it did…if on flat ground. didnt keep this set up tho… only to try it out.
^FALSE. They are hacks :tdown: to Premier.^
Go with (BDR5oh) or (jkucz28). /Thread
Pitlord works at Darryl’s, check him out as well.
Yea most shops dont install remote starters for manual trans cars due to leaving it in gear. A buddy of mine left his in gear and lets just say in the matter of 2 seconds it was in the middle of the blvd wrecked.