car still runs like crap after 4 new injectors...

sounds good let us know the results. I’m not sure how the KA fuel rail is setup but i think cyl 4 might be the last cylinder so if your FPR was fucked that could explain it…

#4 is always the firewall cylinder in an inline 4. I don’t know for sure how the KA rail is set up, I have one at home, but I’m not there to see it.

it could be your FPR, but I wouldn’t think so. FPR don’t drop the pressure down to a trickle.

I still say fuel pump.

You can make your own fuel pressure tester if you don’t want to buy a mechanical gauge for the car.

Go to Princess Auto and buy a small liquid pressure gauge. They sell for about $5.

Attach a T fitting to it, and add barbed ends on both sides of the T

Take off your fuel line at the filter and put the gauge between the lines (where the filter would be)

Key on. That should pressurize the fuel system.

Check at the filter. If you’re under 40 psi there, the fuel issue is behind that point. If there’s no fuel leaks in the lines, pull out the sending unit from the tank. Inspect/test the wiring. Check the sock over the pickup for blockage.

If everything checks out, remove the fuel pump. Hook it up directly to a 12 v source. See if it pumps.

If you’re at (or at least close to) 40 psi at the filter, move upstream. Put the filter back on and take the line off at the rail (careful, it might be pressurized). Using a small piece of hose, put the gauge against the rail. Key on again, check again. Do this on both sides of the FPR.

Anywhere you find a drop in pressure, you know what area is suspect.

Before you start making any other guesses, baseline everything. You have to know exactly why the problem exists.

Check for spark for fuel and for compression …

ok so the car hasnt run in 3 days and i went out this morning and started it up. it started as soon as i turned the key, 1 crank. once the car is warmed up though it takes about 15 cranks atleast to get it going. what does this mean? didnt get to do anything with it though because it was raining all day

After it gets warm does it want to stall? If so mine did the same thing and it was the temp sensor. (common problem) clean the connection I its on of the 3 between the TB and the distributor. one will be for you gauge, one for temp (to konw when your car is warm to let off the amout of gas it needs to put in) and I can’t rember what the other one does. Pritty sure its only 1 wire. Dosn’t hurt to try. Wiggle it aroud and watch the idle well its running.

no it hasnt stalled on me yet.

ok a little update. today i swapped in an older injector i knew works, car started up on 3 but soon number 4 ran again, i drove around for 20 minutes with the car running beautifully. got home, let it sit for 10 minuntes and tried starting it up, fired up prefectly. so i thought it was fixed but just now i go out and try to figure it up, 15 cranks later its running on 3 cylinders again. what the hell?

How’s the injector harness?

Maybe there’s a short somewhere preventing #4 from firing.

I might have a spare kicking around.

Get some electrical parts cleaner and try cleaning the connectors.

With the car running on 3, try jiggling all the harness wires and see if you can get it to work, even intermittantly.

tried that this morning. when i jiggled the harness a couple times the idle picked up but it was still running on 3. i looked at the harness and connectors and they are in good shape, also bruce checked the connecters with a test light and it lit up so its getting power i think.